Alaska/Tampon Tim Walz/Who is really the WEIRD people/Trans Kids Camp/Biometric US Passports/Kamala and Planned Parenthood
Saturday August 10, 2024 Truth Bomb
Alaska Became a State to Imprison PATRIOTS: The Bankers One-World Government Plot of the 1940s (Untold History) - ARTICLE
BTW….I have tried to secure a copy of the book he references in this article (The Federal Reserve Hoax) and so far have only found it as an ebook (which I hate). I also asked the author of this article to let me know where he found the book. I always like to check articles especially when they provide a reference. Still working on it but if this info is true it makes a lot of sense to me when we look at what we are seeing today.
FLASHBACK: Walz Implemented COVID Hotline To Snitch On Neighbors - to me the worst part of this is that Americans actually snitched on their neighbors - So if he becomes VP how long before he establishes a national snitch line?? Do your Democrat friends really support the communist agenda of Harris/Walz? ARTICLE
Tim Walz labeled 'Tampon Tim' by infuriated Republican after forcing schools to stock feminine products in BOYS bathrooms - as a once menstruating female I always had at least one tampon or one sanitary napkin in my purse. Girls know when their time is coming and they prepare. There is truly no reason to put these items in any restroom. They are also just another thing tax payers pay for. I also remember if for some reason I did not have anything in my purse I could always get something from a girlfriend. It is called being responsible for your own health and needs. They use the excuse that poor people cannot afford tampons/sanitary pads. Well for $1 you can get 10 sanitary pads in the Dollar Stores. This is just an excuse in order to push their transgender agenda. If thye are worried about poor women not having money for these products then add them to allowable expenses under SNAP/Food Stamps. Walz also signed a bill to provide free lunch for ALL children regardless of income. Do you see what they are doing? They are making our children, future adults, thinking the governments job is to take care of our every need. And once totally dependent on the government you will also be totally controlled. They do not care about hungry children or people who are mentally ill who dislike themselves so much and are made to think their problem is that they were born into the wrong body. Children growing up hating who they are or not feeling accepted is because of the planned destruction of the family and faith. ARTICLE
Bottom line do not forget that Kamala is NOT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN and both Kamala and her husband have deep ties to communist China and Walz and his wife also has VERY deep ties with communist China. Coincidence?? These people like their puppet masters have one goal and that is to destroy America.
NEW: Tim Walz Now Caught in a Scandal Involving a Muslim Cleric and Adolf Hitler - the article states they wonder if Kamala vetted this guy. Are you kidding me? She certainly did and she picked a fellow marxist/communist that will implement all of the globalist agendas to destroy this country. He was the PERFECT pick for Kamala but lets hope even Democrats sees how dangerous these people are to ALL Americans - ARTICLE
So, the Democrats Wanna Talk About WEIRD? - ARTICLE/VIDEO (5 min.)
Seventy Thousand Terrorists with Biometric US Passports - I had watched this entire interview with Lara Logan yesterday on Americas Voice. She was sitting in for political prisoner Steve Bannon. This is just a short segment of the entire interview. 5 min. VIDEO
Kamala Harris Colluded With Planned Parenthood to Cover Up Aborted Baby Part Sales - these people are not human - I wonder how much money PP gives to Kamala Harris for her cooperation?? - ARTICLE
They certainly got the right evil bitches to explain their abortion baby part fetish!
Look how young, stupid and evil they are. I hope this goes viral and puts heat on them.
They will be deserving of hell!
COVID SNITCH-LINE: Democrats as a group are the embodiment of the WORST of the WORST in people. They bring out the deepest negatives of humanity and leverage it to their advantage.
Our daughter & hubby lived in NYC during covid. The snitching was horrendous! Folks struggling to get home before curfew were turned in and they got fined, or worse! All it took was convincing people they were doing the "right thing".
In KKK era, the Democrat KKK would receive snitch messages from folks who did not like their neighbors. They'd burn 'em out; businesses, farms, churches, homes....
In WWII Germany, folks would snitch on their Jewish neighbors and watch through the window as they were dragged off to the trains.
It's true that government always trends toward corruption and tyranny. But, when the citizenry loses its moral foundation, we magnify and multiply that. Is it any mystery that in all of human history, there has been NO OTHER form of government than exchanging one terrible tyrant for the next? Then, along came the USA, and we're pissing it away.
Limbaugh often said; To be a liberal is the most gutless, cowardly thing you can be. To be a conservative requires minute-by-minute effort to battle your base human tendencies.