Bird Flu-Hotez has the same crystal ball as Fauci/Transgender fraud/Trump to forego salary again/FDA Covering for Pfizer?/Capt. Seth Keshel/Laura Trump
Wednesday December 11, 2024 Truth Bomb
Bird Flu: The "Next Pandemic" Is Right On Schedule - Hotez must be using the same crystal ball that Fauci used when he predicted a pandemic during the first Trump administration - ARTICLE/VIDEO (1 min. 30 sec.)
'The walls are closing in': Researcher who hid results of transgender study now in serious hot water - this article supports the fact that these kids have mental issues. They were not born in the wrong body. Drugs/body mutilation will not solve their self hatred - ARTICLE
Donald Trump to Forego Salary Again in Second Term - you can bet Kamala would not have given up her salary if she had become President - Trump is the first President in decades that left the White House with less money than when he entered the White House as President. Looks like he will do it again - Just in case anyone doubts this to be true see HERE - ARTICLE
Is FDA ‘Covering for Pfizer’? Court Orders Agency to Release a Million More Pages of COVID Vaccine Documents - ARTICLE
Florida - 2024 Election Compendium by Capt. Seth Keshel - ARTICLE
Lara Trump Steps Down From RNC Role – What She’s Planning Next Will Shock You - ARTICLE
As a pastor, I find it’s valuable to explain what something IS by looking at its opposite. “Love” has many applications, so a positive definition does not get as much traction as the “opposite of love.”
Most people will say the opposite of love is HATE. That’s incorrect. Hate is a temporary emotion, and even those deeply in love can have moments of hate. The opposite of love is SELFISHNESS.
Jesus said “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matt 6:21. He also said; “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other….” Matt 6:24
Loving is giving. If you deeply love something or someone, you will give a great deal to it/them.
The Bible makes many references to the “Royal Law”: “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your might.” Deuteronomy 6:5.
Yet, what does homosexuality require? To be a homosexual, one must entirely reject everything Godly – even to the extreme of self-mutilation. Homosexuals, transexuals, and that whole alphabet soup of misfits is a cabal of extremely mentally disturbed people.
90% were groomed from childhood into sexual playthings, and when they are given the chance at “REAL LOVE” they’ll take the drugs, submit to the surgery, and lose their humanity. It’s no wonder so many commit suicide or die of overdoses, VD, etc.
Self-love is the most unrewarding kind! You cannot satisfy the flesh. “For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world.” John 2:16.
An idol is what you worship in place of God. It cannot give back, it cannot speak. You can only give to it. When it comes to homosexuality, that idol demands everything!!
Peter Hotez and Fauci & Co. should have a public Nuremberg style trial and hanging. They have no remorse for the people they've killed and have every intention of doing it again!