Do No Harm/Missouri AG/A Good-Hearted Man/The Right to Fight the Government/Elizabeth Nickson/Detransitioners/Transgender Agenda: Follow The Money
Monday June 24, 2024 Truth Bomb
Powerful Documentary "Do No Harm: The Clifton Dawley Story" - Dr. Peter McCullough is featured in this documentary - hospitals and doctors are no longer about saving lives. They are all about doing what will make them money. 28 min. VIDEO
Thoughts From Someone Who Knows - A good friend of mine and a retired military officer (Jim) sent this to me. There was no link so I copied it and pasted to a pdf document. It is well worth your time to read and share.
This good-hearted man and his family also befriended a black, female addicted to drugs. They believed in her and gave her a chance to become a successful business woman.
Missouri AG to sue New York over interfering in 2024 election - ARTICLE
Missouri Attorney General Sues Tech Giant IBM Alleging Discrimination Against Whites, Asians, Men - lets hope the FL AG will do the same for Disney who has adopted the same discriminatory practices - Thanks to T. O’Brien - ARTICLE
Alexander Hamilton and The Right to Fight the Government - ARTICLE
Campus Protesters are straight-up Nazis by Elizabeth Nickson - ARTICLE/VIDEOS (there are several very short videos in this article)
Governor trashes bill giving detransitioners equal rights - ARTICLE
Transgender Agenda: Following the Money - ARTICLE
... hi Karen, time is a resource these days, so i'm looking at this stream.... ... that i caught maybe 30 mins in, U GOTTA look at this, experiments on frequency of water, MINDBLOWING... and a close up of chem spraying and the HAARP facility in Wales... this will open folks eyes, sorry i'm unable to time stamp... ...
Amen. PDT did so much good for the American people while in office and did so many good things from his past. The liberals seem to hate good people and good men that are working for the American people. It just puzzles me with all the hate!