ABC Debate scheme exposed/Dr. Casey and brother Calley Means/Pact for the Future/Nationwide School Choice
Monday September 16 ,2024 Truth Bomb
Nationwide school choice bill clears committee, moves to House floor - THIS IS NOT GOOD - PLEASE contact your US Representative and demand they vote No. Anything the government touches the government destroys. TOTALLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL and all of you constitutionally illiterate Americans need to read, research and understand our founding documents. The truth not the lies fed in our schools and by our government. The federal government has ZERO power or authority over education. Art. 1 Sec. 8 lists the 18 enumerated powers delegated to the federal government when the STATES created the federal government. Do you see any mention of education?? Do you see anything about marriage or health or environment listed? If it is not on the list the federal government has no constitutional power or authority and that goes for the Supreme Court as well. What choice in education do parents not have today? Every state in America already has “school choice.” What they now want is for the taxpayer to not only pay for public education but to now pay for private education too. If people understood the truth behind this movement they would not support it. The agenda is to eventually suck ALL school choices into the federal indoctrination system. Whatever they say school choice is today they can and will change it tomorrow. When they implemented Common Core globally one of the goals was to have ALL children under the same education system. That goal is still in effect today. There could be no outliers. What are the outliers? They are home educated children, religious school and private school children. So how do we get those students into the system? Oh I know.......lets offer a carrot to parents and call it school CHOICE……everyone wants choice, right??? Then we will force the taxpayer to pay for it and then eventually we can move the outliers under the same umbrella as the public/charter school students. One day in the future parents will be very sorry when they realize they got snookered again into yet another federal scheme (lie). Our failing education system needs to be fixed but school choice (taxpayer funded) is not the answer. At one time this country was 98% literate. Today we are at about 30%. What happened? What happened is that the federal government got involved and started dictating what schools will teach......oh not directly because that would violate their authority but they did it through funding and grants holding states hostage by the power of the purse. Want the money; you will do what we dictate. We need to get back to what made education great in this country many decades ago but that is not now and never was the goal of education because highly educated people threatens their power. Knowing how to read threatens their power. Dumbed down citizens are easier to deceive and control. WAKE UP PEOPLE this government NEVER does anything that will benefit you or your children - ARTICLE
Bombshell ABC News affidavit released, exposes disturbing pro-Kamala debate scheme - ARTICLE
ABC Shocks Viewers: Breaks Its Own Rules Less Than 30 Minutes Into Heated Debate - ARTICLE/VIDEO (10 secs.)
Casey Means, M.D.: Why The Rise in Cancer in The Young? - If you have never heard a full interview with Dr. Means and her brother you really need too. The best one I have seen so far is the interview they did with Tucker Carlson. Here is a snippet of an interview Dr. Means did on Children’s Health Defense. 2 min. VIDEO
This is the interview with Carlson and the Means (brother and sister). It is long but worth every minute. I guarantee you will look at a lot of things differently after watching this interview. VIDEO
The disaster that is the Pact for the Future - I have read the 29 page document and it is everything Dr. Nass says and more. By the time the WHO and the UN/WEF get done it will perfectly coincide with the steal of yet another election in order to drive in their one world government because that is what these documents spell out for those that can read between the lines and have been reseaching this stuff for 20 years now. One thing I found in this document was that the implementation must be TURBO CHARGED - ARTICLE
The Means’ interview with Tucker is something everyone should watch.
It’s the food that’s killing people. Not “viruses”
It’s the food that’s poisoning people.
It’s the food that’s keeping people “sick”.
It’s the food that is perpetuating the cycle of illness from food=see the medical cartel=take petro chemical pharmaceuticals=begats other illnesses=eat more bad foods=see the medical cartel=take petro chemical pharmaceuticals…and so on and so on and so on
"lets offer a carrot to parents and call it school CHOICE……everyone wants choice, right??? Then we will force the taxpayer to pay for it and then eventually we can move the outliers under the same umbrella as the public/charter school students" 🎯🎯🎯
maine is tip of the spear when it comes to synchronizing public and private curricula: this article will give you chills
"schools enrolling 60% or more publicly funded students need to provide attendance data for publicly funded students and documentation that the school curriculum is in alignment with the state's learning results."
same thing happening with the yeshivas in brooklyn