Govt created famine/What happens to a society because of technology/Dr. David Martin/Global monopoly/Sasha Latypova/Elizabeth Nickson
Tuesday 11, 2024 Truth Bomb
Potato farmers in Idaho denied water for their crops - just in case you are in doubt that a global famine along with bringing in another deadly bio weapon here are just 2 pieces of info I was sent. The jpg is a letter that a friend of mine received. Their next move will be a double hitter. ARTICLE/VIDEO (2 MIN. 46 SECS.
Remote Amazon Tribe Gets Internet Access . . . You ALREADY KNOW What Happens Next! by James Corbett - it makes me sick…..everywhere I go small children and their parents glued to a smart phone. What are we becoming?? ARTICLE
Dr. David Martin Reveals How Global Drug Cartels Control Our Military, Governments & World - Interview with Man in America and Dr. David Martin - Dr. Martin knocks it out of the part AGAIN! - I stated to my subscribers last week that the hearings that took place with Fauci were nothing but a dog and pony show with absolutely no purpose and I was criticized for making that statement. After watching this interview I am even more convinced that my statement was true - Thanks Deb C. - 1 hr. 30 min. VIDEO
Diverting Attention From the Global Monopoly Capitalism Machine and Global Money Trust of Banks and Central Bankers - Thanks to Nancy M. - ARTICLE
Translation from the Orwellian pandemic-speak by Sash Latypova - this article sounds just like what took place in Geneva last week. Lots of bribes, threats, bullying and silencing of nations that were objecting. ARTICLE
You Will Have A Daily Water Allowance - ARTICLE
Once and for all, all you asleep people, wake up and realize that they are trying and will succeed if we don't fight back, to take our country and destroy all in its wake. Please share these articles, keep sharing and scream from the mountaintops if need be!! Thank you Karen, God bless you and America!
The egg farm should just keep selling their eggs and tell Agriculture Victoria to kindly go fuck off. Tell them they have no avian influenza and if they persist in trying to ruin their ability to make money they will sue them to oblivion. And hopefully many other farmers and citizens will come to their defense. We are in fight or die time. Either stand up or shut up and get out of the way. I have been fighting 4 years and NOBODY will tell me what I can or can’t do.
Same for water usage. I am already a minimalist and use far fewer resources than most so the first asshole that shows up to tell me I can’t collect and use water or grow my own food will be met with a gun barrel staring at their face. I am ready to die for my family! All we have to do is stand together with that message and we win. And the harder they push the more people stand so I say again, Bring it on!!!!!