Informed Consent/Lara Logan/Another Biden LIE/Mexico's President making demands on our failure of a US President/Sovereignty Coalition
Thursday March 28, 2024 Truth Bomb
US health authorities quietly removed Americans’ right to informed consent that was codified in the Nuremberg Code - think about this folks. WHY would they want to eliminate informed consent? It is not hard to figure out unless you do not want to face reality. ARTICLE
Lara Logan with Steve Bannon as they discuss the bridge disaster in Maryland - you do not want to pass over this interview - Lara Logan has great intel sources and is an honest journalist. Our biggest threat and enemy to the US is our own government and if you do not understand this you surely have not been paying attention or simply refuse to accept reality - ARTICLE/VIDEO (14 min.)
WATCH: Biden claims he commuted by train over collapsed bridge - this is what happens when a habitual liar gets to the stage in which they no longer live in reality. They create a fantasy in their mind and Biden is and has been a habitual liar and criminal for decades. ARTICLE/VIDEO (10 seconds) There is also a slow motion video of the bridge strike (1 min.)
Mexican president says the 'flow of migrants will continue' unless the US meets his demands - This is what happens when you put a weak leader and empty suit in the position of President. This would never have happened with Trump as President. ARTICLE
Sovereignty Coalition launches Zoom meetings and Spaces on X to defund and exit the WHO - ARTICLE
It’s OK. If you took the shots you should not be driving. Even those who got a dud vial may have poor judgement that makes them a hazard on the road. It depends. There should be a questionnaire about this, answers recorded in your chip.
Did you ever see the play “Steambath?” It showed how things work.
BTW I appreciate your posts! When I fire up my laptop I’ll look into which substack authors are relegated to Nefelheim and which are to be newly promoted to Valhalla (or Olympus, if you like).
Just kidding. There will be some of each. The ones who admire Bill Gates have to go. The keepers are those who get to the heart of everything week after week. There are a number of such: I can’t subscribe to all.
I like Childers. But he’s too expensive. True. Mostly, his office turned me down for a consultation about a suit against my former employer. I’ll think about it.
Tennesee? A good place to retire?
Pro: I like the nullification legislation. Harshbarger’s House bill on natural immunity did not make it. But that’s just a symptom of a sick Congress.
Con: The bears get pretty big in the Smokies, according to what I have seen. That’s nice but they don’t get big by not catching anything.
In the meantime, when I lift the lid, I have near-life experiences. The sun is coming up. Bedtime.
Good thing there is such a good video of that brige collapse, 'always be prepared'!