Kamala Campaign Parody and more/Pandemic Agreement (Treaty)/Grocery Rationing/Homeschool/Google digital ID wallet
Thursday September 19, 2024 Truth Bomb
Kamala campaign parody……this would be funny if it weren’t so dang true - the left has lost their mind over this video so BE SURE TO SHARE - 2 min. VIDEO
BOMBSHELL: Kamala Harris Once Threatened Legal Gun Owners with Forced Home Raids [WATCH] - ARTICLE/VIDEOS (3 very short videos)
Well here is a REAL BOMBSHELL that NO ONE has the guts to talk about and should be FRONT and CENTER. Kamala Harris is NOT a natural born citizen and therefore is not eligible to be VP or President. The truth is not racist or sexist. This is enough to take her out of the race if those in power (media and Congress) would stand up for the truth.
An Update on the Pandemic Agreement by James Roguski - it is still every bit as dangerous - ARTICLE
Grocery Rationing within Four Years - ARTICLE
Anonymous Terrorists Have More Rights Than You - ARTICLE
Homeschooling Is Still Gaining Popularity…Thanks To Woke ‘Educators’ by Ron Paul - I personally also recommend Freedom Project Academy - ARTICLE
Google announces digital ID wallet - Thanks to AJ C and his comment was “isn’t ironic that this was released on Constitution Day?” - ARTICLE
The New American had posted an extradentary written article and very informative.
President Obama’s Science Adviser John Holdren wrote a book in 1977 called Ecoscience in which he indicated support for forced abortions, sterilization through infertility drugs or through the nation’s drinking water or food, having babies seized from single mothers or teen mothers and given away to couples, requiring that “people who contribute to social deterioration…be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility” (i.e. more forced abortions or sterilizations), and creating a transnational “Planetary Regime” that controls the global economy and dictates the details of American lives by use of an armed international police force.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jl7Zfjo_Bw Barry Cunningham
...Kamala natural born?...can u confirm that thing is human first?...u've probably seen this before Karen... “Now let us look at the record. According to Trygve Lie, longtime Secretary General of the United Nations, he stated flatly that there was a secret agreement between Alger Hiss and Molotov to the effect that the head of the United Nations military staff should always be a Communist. That agreement has never been broken, and we have had a succession of Communists filling that post, the present one being Mr. Arkadov. As a first consequence of this treasonous agreement, this country lost its first military engagement in Korea at a cost to this country of more than $20 billion and 145,000 American casualties …This was the first war in which we engaged not as the United States military force, but as a United Nations force. …How convenient this was to the Communists to have one of their own men as head of the United Nations military staff, who reviewed all orders going from the Pentagon to General MacArthur and gave them to our enemy before General MacArthur received them.”(Congressional Record, 1962, page 215) https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-CRECB-1962-pt1/pdf/GPO-CRECB-1962-pt1-3-2.pdf ...from ...https://whowatch.org/un-communist-roots ...