RFK Jr./Lying Kamala/Biden's Inflation Reduction Act/Tim Walz/Euthanasia
Monday September 9, 2024 Truth Bomb
RFK Jr. exposes how pediatricians make money from vaccinating children and AG Kobach (Kansas) sues Pfizer for lying about its COVID vaccine - Thanks to Marcus - 5 min. 20 secs. VIDEO
Kamala and the lids on Starbucks coffee cups - There are just no words - 30 secs. VIDEO
Just another fabricated story by Kamala. Her grandmother was betrothed at 12 years of age and married at 16. At that time in India’s history (remember she is talking about her grandmother) this would not have been possible. Her body language alone tells you she is lying. She also lied about being bussed to school as a little girl. Another lie. She was taken to live in Canada when she was 7 years old and did not return to the US until she went to college. She also failed her bar exam on the first try. I wonder if the year in which she “passed” the exam she was dating Willie Brown?? AND THE BIGGEST LIE OF ALL………that she is eligible to be President. She is NOT eligible to be VP or President. She is NOT a natural born citizen. Given her parents were in the US originally (not to become citizens) but to go to school on a temporary Visa she was not “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” so she is really not even a citizen. And just add another wrinkly…..The Constitution of both India and Jamaica state clearly is a citizen of Jamaica or India has a child outside Jamaica or India that child is a citizen of Jamaica/India. Does anyone really think our founders would ever have agreed that a foreigner could come to America drop a baby and that baby was a citizen let alone a natural born citizen? The 14th Amendment only bestows citizenship not natural born citizenship and it only pertained to the slaves that were born on US soil and up until the 14th Amendment were not considered citizens. DO SOME RESEARCH. Just sayin. All Trump has to do on Tuesday is shut up and let her talk. She will destroy her own campaign if he does - 30 secs. VIDEO
Biden Admits Inflation Reduction Act Was Deceptively Named - this was the biggest rip off of tax payer money ever to be passed and the Republicans helped it move forward folks. Here is just one example of where some of that IRA monet went. 45 states (including my state of TN) took money from the IRA to create a TN State Climate Action Plan. Only 5 states had the guts to stand down. FL, SD, KY, WY, IA so because the state refused the feds sent money to their largest cities. Some of these states have refused even at the city level but surely not enough. Every red state should have refused this money. ARTICLE
SURPRISE! Tim Walz Championed a Group With Ties to the WUHAN LAB in China - there can be no doubt at all that Walz is owned by the CCP. The CCP put another of their boys in play - ARTICLE
Why euthanasia should be illegal and why you should oppose it - many of the reasons listed as to why euthanasia is never a good idea have already happened in Canada under the MAID program. ARTICLE
The link for Kamala and starbucks coffee cups is bad. Here is the correct link
That video on Harris’ Indian grandmother going from village to village to march with a bullhorn supporting reproductive rights is a complete joke!