ONE HEALTH/ICD Code for the Unvaccinated/War against mobility/and more
Monday January 23, 2023 TRUTH BOMB
This interview is long but at least take the time to listen to the discussion on ONE HEALTH.
Corey Lynn (Corey’s Digs interviews Elze van Hamelen on ONE HEALTH - it is VERY important that you understand ONE HEALTH. Again it all boils down to total control. Who lives, who dies, who can have children, where you live, how you live, what you eat and how long you will be allowed to live. IT IS NOT ABOUT HEALTH - Who gives these unelected psychopaths the right to determine and dictate these programs. We should have left the UN decades ago. It was not ever created to benefit humanity. It has always been about global communism. It is such a shame no one took Ron Paul serious. 1 hr. 14 min. VIDEO
mRNA Vaccines in Livestock and Companion Animals Are Here Now - They ARE shooting up livestock with mRNA and it won't be long before it is in our veggies too. I have also read stories of farmers forced to inject their cows with mRNA and many of the cows died. Think ONE HEALTH folks. They are going to shoot everything they can get their hands on with this poison and putting it in our food supply guarantees many unjabbed will get their dose from the food they eat. ARTICLE
”One Health” – Where Biosecurity Meets Agenda 2030 - The WHO is all about this ONE HEALTH crap. At the end of the day ONE HEALTH will end up in a speedy death for all. It is not about health. It IS about depopulation. They lump humans, animals, plants etc all on the same level. If humans do something that impacts a blade of grass then they must be stopped. At the end of the day life and living is totally shut down. After all, We stupid, disgusting humans cannot be trusted to own land, a dog or even our own body. ARTICLE
The WHO is working behind the scenes to amend the International Health Regulations and to create a Pandemic Treaty. ONE HEALTH is a big part of the plan. If any of this passes all 192 countries will hand their sovereignty over to the UN (they are using health and the WHO to drive fear to accomplish their goal of global communism). PLEASE sign up on to keep informed about this scheme that could become a reality as early as May 2023. Here is a brief 4 minute video I received from James on Sunday. 4 min. VIDEO
[COPY] DOJ Response Constitutional Oath of office, Treason ! - some interesting information - ARTICLE
They’re tracking us: In obedience to WHO, international medical classification system adds new diagnosis coding for the unvaccinated - More from Natural News on this new code - Thanks to Jim A - ARTICLE
ICD Code created for people who are unvaccinated - Do not tell anyone your vaccine status!!! Thanks to Jim A. - According to Jim AAPC teaches medical coding - WEBSITE
WHISTLEBLOWER REVEALS WHAT IS BEHIND THE MASS ATTACKS ON US FOOD FACILITIES with Dr. Huff and Emerald Robinson who you can watch daily on Lindell TV (Frankspeech) at 12 pm ET. I had seen this interview when it aired live and Steve S. sent me a link to share - ARTICLE/VIDEO (9 min.)
World Economic Forum Says the Future for Cars Is in the Cloud - so how far do you think you will be going when the only vehicles allowed on the street are ride share vehicles and you have to pay by the hour to drive one??? Again, this is a war against mobility folks. Just wait until 15 Minute Cities start popping up in the US (there are already cities pegged). You will become a prisoner which is what they want. ARTICLE
1776 all over again, this time 100,000x. Overlords with overreach in an endless money grab, no wonder we tried to exit Europe, only to recreate the problem here. I hope the elite mofos CERN themselves to death.
Thanks again Karen. Very important info here.