Pandemic Fund/WHO/Peace Education/Voter/Fraud/Mark Elias/Scrubbing the internet
Sunday November 3, 2024 Truth Bomb
The U.S. has pledged $667 million to the Pandemic Fund by James Roguski - well isn’t that just grand. They have no money for the devastated areas in NC, FL and TN but they have plenty of money for illegals, Ukraine and the WHO. Remember this when you go to vote on Tuesday!! A vote for Harris is a vote against America. ARTICLE
WHO Chief Tedros Declares ‘Aggressive Action’ Needed Against Growing Anti-Vaccine Movement - PLEASE do not think anyone at the WHO or big pharma is concerned about your health. There is no profit in healthy people. The sicker they can make us starting from childhood the more money they make and THAT is the bottom line in the medical complex today and has been for decades. Mix the profit with those that are behind the depopulation movement and we have a dangerous cocktail for the people of the world. Doctors who take an oath to do no harm have sold their soul for the all mighty dollar. Oh yes there are a few exceptions but not nearly enough and many have lost their career for doing the right thing. The only way it ends is for people to stand up and take accountability for their own health. Good health does not come from a pill bottle or the tip of a needle. ARTICLE
Be Wary of Peace Education - ARTICLE
Rampant Voter Fraud Ahead of Election Day '24 - 5 min. VIDEO
Hey Mark Elias! Hired your Prison Coach yet? by Elizabeth Dickson - if there were no election fraud taking place I believe the poll by Polymarket is the true picture of how the vote is split between Harris and Trump. - ARTICLE
They Are Scrubbing the Internet Right Now - ARTICLE
Websters defines peace as the absence of conflict; a state of tranquility and order. However, ask a warrior and he will say; "War is hell, but peace is a mutha-fu**er!"
Why is that? Peacetime is when bureaucratic eggheads run amok through the halls of government and every other civil institution. They screw up everything they sink their claws into. During peacetime, the civilians get fat, stupid, and lazy. The absence of conflict is NOT PEACE. The absence of conflict is the slow but sure death of your nation!
Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying armed conflict with other nations is healthy for the USA. It's not always wrong, but it is only right under strict circumstances. The conflict that IS healthy for our nation is that which constantly wars for the freedoms our forefathers bought with their blood.
I promise you this: if Trump becomes president, he will eliminate most of the terrible effects of this administration. The border will close, the economy will start to move, we'll see prices come down, industry increase, and America will start to grow again. Then, we'll all sit on our fat, lazy asses and let the liberals work behind the scenes without challenge, without restraint, and without accountability (how do you think they came to power?). In 4 years, we'll see a fevered, close-as-hell race for the White House, which we may very well not win!
Warriors say "Peace is a mutha-fu**er" because THAT is when the cycle starts all over. The original settlers who carved out this nation worked with a tool in their hands and a rifle slung across their backs.
Liberals are a cancer in every society. Like cancer, the absence of symptoms is no indication of good health. You just suddenly wake up with a deadly thing inside of you. The best way to fight cancer is with prevention.....not surgery! The same goes for liberals.
"Through indolence, the rafters sag, and through slackness, the house leaks." Ecclesiastes 10:18
"The hand of the diligent will rule, But the slack hand will be put to forced labor." Proverbs 12:24
... ... deaths of athletes in🙏➕🙏...