Rand Paul/Traitor John Kerry/JD Vance/Illegals voting/Trouble in River City...I mean Arizona
Monday September 30, 2024 Truth Bomb
The Time has Come for Congress to Retake Authority From Unelected Bureaucrats - No Senator Paul the time has come to restore the Constitution. Every 3-letter agency exists under the Executive branch and Congress has no authority over these offices. BUT the House could defund every single one of them and it should. THAT is how you regain your authority. And Senator Paul we are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC not a democratic republic. AND Senator Paul the House and the Senate have just 18 enumerated law making powers (ART. 1 Sec. 8 of the Constitution). The Constitution and the Bill of Rights make it abundantly clear both houses of Congress have just 18 enumerated powers and EVERYTHING else belongs to the states and the people of the states. Perhaps it is also time to shut down some of the power in Congress as well and limit all laws from Congress to those 18 enumerated powers. The states are where the real power and constitutional power rests not in Congress or the Supreme Court. The states created the federal government. The created is never more powerful than the creator. So this bill to me is rubbish. Perhaps you need to talk to your father about the Constitution. I remember a time when you ran for President you were going to shut down unconstitutional agencies. So what happened to that idea?? Funny looking at the other comments it is obvious most Americans do not understand how government is SUPPOSED to act. Perhaps it is also time for Americans to get schooled as well. - Senator Paul doesn’t have to write any bill to right this ship. The states need to wake up and take their rightful power. It is called nullification. ARTICLE
John Kerry thinks the 1st Amendment is a road block - he should have been put to death for treason years ago when he aided the enemy during wartime by turning on our soldiers in Vietnam along with his fellow traitor Jane Fonda - I hope you get what he is saying folks - Notice where he is speaking (WEF). 2 minute VIDEO
The Left’s Intolerance Strikes Again: J.D. Vance Rejected, Kamala Harris Welcomed - ARTICLE
'Wink, wink, wink, show up and vote': Alarm sounded as 'a lot of forces' looking to allow illegals to vote for president - Well this is where the rubber meets the road. The DOJ is violating law when they allow non-citizens to be on the voter rolls. The states need to stand up and tell the DOJ to take a hike and clean off the illegals. What is the DOJ going to do about it?? This will end up in the Supreme Court but the states MUST stand up and refuse to comply. The DOJ is working outside its wheelhouse on this one. Yes, there are laws on the books governing elections but none of these laws say it is legal to allow non-American to register or to vote in American elections. Quite the opposite - ARTICLE/VIDEO
HUGE: Leaked Conversation Between Arizona’s Democrat Gov, Attorney General, and Secretary of State Reveals Attempt to Cover Up 98,000 Voter Registration Glitch – Officials Worried About Calls for New 2020 and 2022 Elections - Don’t you find it odd that most of the corruption in government seems to come from the left?? It must be a prerequisite for being part of their gang - ARTICLE
Oh Yes John Kerry it is so hard to control and stop people from listening to and researching a different narrative than the one you are spouting. You are the enemy of truth. You are the enemy of the Constitutional Republic that is the USA. The very system that put you and your family where they are today is being attacked by you. You are the ultimate 'ladder puller'! The very system that could lift the poverty and low living standard for all 3rd world countries, you are now attacking. What? To save the planet for the likes of you and your Davos Cronies. You will not enjoy the trouble that is coming John Kerry, you proved that many years ago.
It's been obvious that when John Kerry was about to be included in the Skull and Bones society he simply spent far too much time masturbating in the coffin and now we find him calling for dismissal of the First Amendment because cows make too much methane gas. No wonder he comes up with off the wall ridiculosities that only point out his degree of mental instability leading up to his finely developed art of being a traitor. Rotten to the core, rotten from the get-go.