RFK Jr.-Tucker Carlson/Trump Rally SWAT Member Spills the Beans/Elizabeth Nickson/Dr. Harvey Risch
Wednesday August 28, 2024 Truth Bomb
VIDEO - RFK Jr and Tucker Carlson discuss what environmentalism really is (Aug.2024) - this is a must watch video. It clears up a lot of the lies and propaganda about RFK Jr. I don’t agree with everything he believes in but this short interview with Tucker Carlson shows a man of deep spirituality and caring. 12 min. VIDEO
If interested in the full interveiw - 1 hr. 26 min. VIDEO
BTW…..RFK Jr. has been appointed to Trump’s transition team and will assist in bringing on new members to the administration.
Trump Rally SWAT Sniper Spills the Beans: FBI ‘Evidence Tampering’ Verdict [VIDEOS] - be sure to watch the 4 short videos included in the article. In the first video there is brief mention of a white van. The video below covers a lot of things not made public and the white van is one of them. There is no doubt in my mind that the attempted assassination of President Trump was an inside job. Just like the assassination of JFK and RFK. - I also believe JFK Jr. was killed. Remember he was running for US Senate against Hillary Clinton - ARTICLE/VIDEOS (2 min., 5 min. , 7 min., 2 min.)
Proof of a 2nd Shooter - Trumps in Trouble - some will say this is all speculation but all of it IS possible - 49 min. VIDEO
The 2024 Cheat and What's Being Done About It by Elizabeth Nickson - every able bodied American needs to step up and volunteer to poll watch and work the polls. Many counties around the country do not have their required number of poll workers and this election is too important for this to continue. I just signed up to be a poll worker in my county. They need to know we are engaged and we are watching. People also need to hang around the polls after they close to observe and record any suspicious activities taking place. Also, get teams together to watch and record violations at the ballot boxes - ARTICLE
Dr. Harvey Risch Warns: Covid Shots Are TOXIC - ARTICLE
I made a typo in this substack and when talking about inside assassination hits I typed RFK Jr. instead of RFK. I corrected my copy but it does not change the Substack distributed.
I believe have much bigger issues to worry about right now than conspiracies about Trump planning his own assassination. All of these diversions are taking our attention off the fact that the MSM is building a narrative about Harris so that when they steal the election they can say see we told you the race was close. The race is NOT close. When she ran for President in 2020 she got 800+ votes in the first primary and dropped out and more people dislike her today than they did back in 2020. So NO the race is not close. They want you to believe the race is close just like they did with Hillary in 2016. Everything she does in public is organized, staged and paid for. They threw patrons out of a restaurant, pull their buses up, unloaded their PAID supporters and filled the restaurant with adoring fans. The concerts she had before her rallies were concerts in which tickets had already been sold for the CONCERT and she mooched her way in but of course the entertainers were more than happy to let her mooch.....that is if they ever wanted to work again. The steal is already in place. They have many modes of theft in place. No matter what happens I think it is going to get ugly. And of course that is exactly what they want. As of September this administration will hand over our sovereignty to the UN during the Summit of the Future. So get engaged at the local level in your elections during early election, on election day, guard you drop boxes. Be sure to vote. Lets not make the steal easy for them. And most important of all.....get on your knees and humble yourself before God.