RFK JR./Did You Know/DHS/Kamala talks depopulation/Dr. Paul Thomas on Childhood vax/Victor David Hanson/The Overclass/Fauci/Malone - Get a big cup of coffee this morning lots to cover
Thursday August 22, 2024 Truth Bomb
BREAKING: Has RFK Jr. Made a Decision About Endorsing Trump? RFK Jr. is scheduled to do a livestream on Friday and the rumor is he is dropping out of the race and will endorse Donald Trump. Of course anything can change but this is the current rumor. I can see no reason why he would endorse Harris when her administration and the Democrat party set out to destroy him by not allowing him to be on the Democrat ballot and denying him security even after 2 threats on his life. Well we shall see……the rumor I am hearing (again rumor) is that Trump is considering RFK Jr. for US Attorney General. ARTICLE
Breaking: RFK Jr. and CHD Get Green Light to Sue Biden Administration for Censorship - somehow I don’t think the Harris administration would welcome RFK Jr. - ARTICLE
Is RFK JR. being considered as AG under Trump? 8 min. VIDEO
Did You Know - and then he sat back and watched the terrorists burn down his city. STATEMENT
Dept. of Homeland Security - DHS knows Venezuela is releasing prisoners and the mentally ill into our country - 30 secs. VIDEO
Kamala Harris exposes depopulation is a goal - slip of the tongue??? 30 secs. VIDEO
Dr. Paul Thomas discusses the research done on vaccinated v. unvaccinated children - 1 min. VIDEO
Victor Davis Hanson Commentary: The Myriad Projections of the 2024 Campaign - ARTICLE
The Overclass Exposed - ARTICLE
Fauci’s institute hid mpox gain-of-function plans from Congress and the media - ARTICLE
MPox WHO Declaration Breaking News by Dr. Malone - ARTICLE
As James Roguski says all the time it is not monkeypox but MONEYPOX and all of these 3rd world countries are being bribed to go along. Of course the poor people living in mud huts don’t see any of that money.
Yes indeed there is!!!
World Hell Organization in bed with the Federal Death Administration