Sovereignty Coalition/The Doctor Will Kill You Now/Trump Assassinations & the CIA/Fluoride decision/and more
Thursday September 26, 2024 Truth Bomb
BREAKING: NYC Mayor Eric Adams Indicted in Federal Corruption Probe. - no surprise here. ARTICLE
U.N. Approves Bid For World Government by the Sovereignty Coalition - ARTICLE
The Doctor is Will Kill You Now - I have said for many years and anyone that has followed me knows I have said this many times…….the issue is never the issue……the issue of abortion has always been about desensitizing a society to the sanctity of life so they will readily except the extermination of the “useless eaters” meaning the elderly, the disabled (both mentally and physically), people with chronic illnesses (conveniently caused by big pharma). So they went after what once was the most cherished life in our society; the unborn. There are states in the US that already are offering assisted suicide….I shared an article on Tuesday about the states in the US offering assisted suicide - ARTICLE
Soros Hosts Tim Walz—What’s Cookin’ in the Left’s Kitchen? as anti-American as George Soros is his son is worse - ARTICLE
CIA & BlackRock Behind Both Ass@ssin@tion Attempts on Trump - Oh I am sure this is all just a coincidence, right? And this is also why they are out to destroy Putin. Oil, gas, minerals, BLACKROCK. Just sayin - 4 min. VIDEO
3 years later, $42 billion Harris plan has added Internet access to zero homes another failed effort by Kamala - and that is not all…..They also spent $50 billion for 8 EV charging stations. WHERE did this money go? Perhaps it went into the pockets of donors like it did with Obama’s shovel ready jobs and solar panels - 4 min. VIDEO
Breaking: Fluoride in Water Poses ‘Unreasonable Risk’ to Children, Federal Judge Rules - this is great news now what the EPA does with it needs to be seen.- believe me fluoride does a lot more damage than lowering IQ. It should have been outlawed years ago but of course the REAL reason it was dumped in our water was to save corporations the huge cost of disposing of their toxic waste so I am sure to keep corporations happy the EPA will do very little to fix this issue. There is only one answer….end all fluoridation. Countries that do not flouridate their water do not have any more tooth decay than the US. Common sense should prevail here……we are dumping toxins in our water at the same level for a newborn baby and grown man for tooth decay?? Really. The way you fight tooth decay is to brush your teeth and floss. When were people dying of tooth decay?? Never. I just could never believe why people fell for this assault on human health. ARTICLE
"The way you fight tooth decay is to brush your teeth and floss." --Very true. But a lot of dental floss products are fluoridated. One needs to read the ingredients and buy non-fluoridated dental floss---or if using the fluoride-contaminated brands, rinse one's mouth many times!
One bright spot to watch:
Argentina's 'chainsaw' president tells the UN to shove its 'socialist' 'Pact for the Future'