Stew Peters-Dr. Sansone/Capt. Seth Keshel/Prof. Breaks Down in Tears/COVID Subcommittee Report/Americans are being left behind/Dr. McCullough
Saturday December 7, 2024 Truth Bomb
BREAKING! Injunctions will BAN MRNA Injections in FL! with Stew Peters and Dr. Sansone - 20 min. - INTERVIEW
North Carolina - 2024 Election Compendium by Capt. Seth Keshel - ARTICLE
Professor Breaks Down in Tears Exposing the Devastation Inflicted by Covid 'Vaccines' - ARTICLE/VIDEO (23 min.)
COVID Subcommittee Funded by Big Pharma & Big Health, Claims 'Highly Successful' Operation Warp Speed 'Helped Save Millions of Lives': See ListFirst, I would like to know exactly how they calculated the number of lives the COVID bio weapon saved. That is speculation at best. This bio weapon injection was a total failure and the fact that this committee and Trump continue to lie to the American people serves no good purpose except for those that continue to keep up the charade. The deaths and disabilities from this injection can only be described as genocide. So I guess this means mRNA kill shots are here to stay. Anyone that takes even one “vaccine” will only have themselves to blame for closing their eyes to the truth and letting fear cloud good sense. I guess MTG has forgotten the meetings that were conducted with Senator Johnson and the horror stories and scientific data shared that proved without a doubt these shots are deadly. PLEASE be sure to read my comment posted on this article. ARTICLE
Americans Are Being Left Behind - a fellow Tennessean and the best Trump impersonator hands down (Shawn Farash) - VIDEO
Dr. Peter McCullough drops some truth bombs - I would LOVE to see them fire Hotez and make Dr. McCullough the head of NIAID - VIDEO (2 min.)
Russell Brand & Aaron Siri. Childhood Injections Discussion with CDC/FDA Documents and Dr. Stanley Plotkin Interview clip. 1 hr. 12-6-2024.
I have a friend who was in China in December of 2019. When he got back to the US he was very sick. He went to the ER and was given antibiotics and something else. He recovered. However, he has told me he has tested positive for covid every time since then when he taken a covid test. I have also noticed his breathing is quite heavy although he is about 40 lbs or more overweight (6’2” tall). He also told me he had taken 2 covid shots in order to travel. His denial is strong about all related and even called me a conspiracy theorist. What I intended to say here is that the first wave of covid, which it appears he had in 2019, was harsher on many people it seems. Mostly those who were vulnerable, but some others. Therefore, because it was harsher, it did assist greatly in getting the public to accept it was a “very dangerous virus” “a pandemic” etc. By the time Omicron hit, it had mutated to a much less dangerous virus from what I understand. Do you agree on these points or did I get anything wrong? Thank you for your efforts in the fight! It does seem more people are accepting they were severely lied to and manipulated.