Unsustainable Humanity by Dr. Igor Shepherd March 19, 2022 - This is a MUST read article. It is not meant to scare you but to enlighten you. I and others have been trying to educate people about UN Agenda 21 (which was the formal start of the agenda against humanity) for many years now so none of this comes as a surprise to me. It is all true and well documented. It all sounds crazy and it is. But none the less real and it has been worked on for many decades by totally insane people. I will also include a list of what they consider to be unsustainable. The information of the list of things they deem “unsustainable” was taken directly from the 1100 page Global Biodiversity Assessment Report (UN Agenda 21, Global Biodiversity Assessment Report, The Wildlands Project is the total package). I have a copy of this monster book and verified the page numbers and items on this list as accurate. FEAR is how they will accomplish their agenda and they are starting a new FEAR campaign with Putin and the lie that he threatened a nuclear attack. Whatever they tell us we need to believe the total opposite. If they say Putin has threatened a nuclear attack we need to understand that is was the UK and their new Prime Minister that threatened a nuclear attack on Russia and Putin responded in kind. Believe NOTHING you are told and DO NOT let FEAR take control of you. FEAR is how they win. COURAGE and our refusal to comply is how WE WIN. Bad things are coming but we all need to understand the goal and the fact that they will do everything in their power to make that goal a reality. We are truly at war but the war is against humanity it is not among nations. The war among nations is just another lie like COVID, climate change, Ukraine/Russia battle and Putin’s threat to nuke us in order to keep us paralyzed by FEAR. ARTICLE
LIST OF UNSUSTAINABLE (I think you will see many items on this list currently under attack and many that have been under attack for a long time ie: population growth, fertilizers, large hoofed animals, consumerism)
WEF (World Economic Forum) twists the meaning of words to make austerity sound desirable by Dr. Meryl Nass - (note PTB=Powers To Be) ARTICLE
VAERS RED BOX REPORT - look at the graphs too (I noticed that CDC VAERS info is now reporting 2 COVID shots. I am looking into this)
VAERS report for children 6 mos. to 17 years - look at this report carefully. We have far exceeded the number of children who died from COVID and the disabilities were ZERO from COVID.
PROJECTION REPORT - this is a report I create using data from VAERS and the Under Reporting Rate from a 3 year study done by Harvard Pilgrim that proved less than 1% of all adverse events from vaccines are ever reported and just 1-13% of all serious adverse events from vaccines are ever reported. This is a blatant violation of law. If anyone needs an explanation of this report feel free to contact me. karen.bracken@reagan.com
War! What is it good for? Absolutely $trillions for the arms industry - ARTICLE
PUTIN DID NOT THREATEN TO NUKE ANYONE! Threats to Russia came from the Crown Corporation via its puppet UK PM Liz Truss by Frances Leader - the US started all of this by proposing that Ukraine join NATO which was a direct violation of an agreement not to expand NATO and especially not to the border of Russia. We poked a bear and the bear will protect its cubs. Unlike our corrupt government who is quite willing to sacrifice the life and future for all Americans to appease their global God, the United Nations/World Economic Forum. And all of these useful idiots think one day they will have a seat at the table but truth be known they will be the first to be destroyed. That is how communists roll. ARTICLE/VIDEO (13 min)
AGENDA 2030 - NO ESCAPE, NO OBJECTIONS PERMITTED by Francis Leader - she gives the real explanation behind each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. I have a list of my own but we will go with hers for now. ARTICLE The petition in this article is old as is the article. If you want to fight to get the US out of the UN then sign up for: withdrawun.substack.com
And if you look at GAVI’s solution to each of these 17 goals you will see the solution to all of them are vaccines. GAVI is another Bill Gates global iniative. GAVI
Iowans Gearing Up to Fight Agenda 2030-inspired Carbon-capture Pipelines - CO2 is the foundation of ALL life. It is not a poison. Man does not create climate change. Climate change has been taking place since the beginning of time. CO2 is not destroying the earth. We are being destroyed from within and this pipeline scheme is all about destroying private property by any means necessary. ARTICLE
FEAR: as a former Navy SEAL, I probably faced more fears in a week than most folks experience in a lifetime. Fear is an emotion that MUST be controlled with WISDOM and INTELLIGENCE. The opposite of fear is "trust" and "hope." Put your trust and hope in that which is eternal and do not make yourself the prey of liars and snake oil salesmen. Be wise enough to evaluate the source of your fear, and intelligent enough to choose rightly.
Regarding Putin, the Powers -That- Be have made him out to be totally evil for going into Ukraine. They needed to make him a scapegoat to take the onus off of themselves. People have no concept of what is really going on in Ukraine with our former leader and others in our government... financially supporting with American dollars the development of bioweapons there. How would Americans like to be sitting next to 30 bioweapon labs producing ebola, smallpox, anthrax, etc.? There are also dangerous nuclear reactors...one is the largest in Europe. Wonder who helped poor little Ukraine obtain them? In mid 1980 Chernoblyl occurred sending radioactive material all the way across Europe to the Atlantic Ocean . A reactor the size of this largest one could wipe out Europe, if there was a meltdown. If you were aware of what is going on in Ukraine with all its money laundering, too...wouldn't you like to do something? I believe Putin had every right to go into Ukraine. Russia's existence could depend on it.