The Council/Dark Money/Kamala/Overclass/Fauci-GOF/Price controls
Tuesday August 20, 2024 Truth Bomb
What we saw yesterday in Chicago yesterday is what many before us warned would happen when you allow people from countries whose culture conflicts with ours. We have Ted Kennedy to thank for allowing these people into our country ignoring warnings they would never assimilate but try to take control and we are seeing it in our streets today. Instead of deporting them they bow to them and pretty soon the US will look like many of the countries in which they allowed these foreigners to take over their communities.
BREAKING: Naval Officer Publishes Powerful Dossier Exposing The Leaders Of The Deep State— Meet The Council Running America - VIDEO (60 min.)
HERE is a link to the document The Council: Who is Running the United States Department of Just US
The Dark Money Intimidation Group Attacking Election Lawyers - ARTICLE
Is Harris’ Rise to the Democratic Candidate with a Primary Vote Constitutional? - since when did a little thing like the Constitution stop these corrupt communists in the Democrat party?? I want to know why not one person in the Republican party is challenging what the Democrats are doing/did??? of course we all know why. They are every bit as corrupt as the Democrats. ARTICLE
Republicans Accuse Biden Of Impeachable Offense In Highly Anticipated Report - Gee what a coincidence…..weeks after Biden steps down they decide to release a report saying Biden is a criminal and a traitor. They have known for years that Biden was a criminal. Why do you think Obama made him VP?? The House has already passed impeachment against Biden and the Senate is refusing to act on it. They cold remove him today. He needs to be put in prison. Kamala also must be removed from the ballot. She is NOT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN and you need to shout this to everyone and everywhere you can. ARTICLE
Commie Kamala’s New Economic Policy - the sad part is many Americans that have already been indoctrinated into the socialist philosophy in this country of free handouts. Are they free? Who pays for them? It surely isn’t Kamala Harris. YOU will pay as you already do for every free handout. What she proposes is nothing but campaing rhetoric like Biden’s college loan relief. If these policies do take hold it will make things much worse and she knows that. But the left also knows that most Americans love “free” handouts. ARTICLE
Gavin Newsom Unveils Proposal That Would Require Minimum Fuel Reserve - typical democrat….blaming their failed policies on everyone except themselves who are truly the real problem. Kamala Harris blaming grocery store owners for high food prices instead of the Biden/Harris administration policies. What they propose is straight out of the communist manual. Most Americans do not remember back when Nixon did this and the damage it caused rolling into the Carter administration. Price controls only work for the communist. They are meant to destroy. 2 California communists. ARTICLE
PRICE CONTROLS: Candy for the weak of mind!
Our Dem Senator sent out an email a while back blaming "GREED-FLATION" on businesses and corporations (inferring that "business owners" are greedy capitalists bleeding the poor). I wrote him a response (he never read) mentioning the terrible destruction democrat policies wreak on a supply chain. For example:
* Any business with a truck fleet must maintain 10-15% more trucks than needed. The complex exhaust systems fail so regularly that they must have a reservoir of standby vehicles. The onboard computers will only let the truck start if the system works. If they bypass the system, an alert is sent to federal officials!! These either replace the 'downed' truck or serve as "DONORS" for parts since the supply chain for the exhaust systems is horrendously overburdened......because the exhaust systems are shi*t built in China!. At any given time, 1 in 10 trucks in a fleet are inoperable! (IF you see a new tractor trailer on the road, just the tractor costs in the neighborhood of $1/3-3/4M.
I spoke with my building materials supplier about his operational costs. He pointed to a tractor trailer pulling in with a load of lumber. He said it costs him $6-7,000.00 for that truck to drive into his lot - no matter what is on the trailer. The cost of the load is separate. As for his own fleet, he's lucky if he can get enough of his trucks to operate to even make a day's delivery. He said, "Ten years ago, all we did was maintain our trucks. Now, we are looking to invest in a heavy tow truck just to haul ours back and forth to the damn SHOP!"
I have a friend who has two fleets of trucks; one fleet delivers home heating fuel, and the other delivers stone, sand, asphalt, etc. He has 20% of his trucks standing by; either needing exhaust system repairs or ready to replace one that does.
I have another friend who is the lead mechanic for the bus fleet in our school system. He, too, must maintain a 10-15% cushion for all the problems the exhaust systems present. He told me he and his guys used to fix problems with wrenches. Now, they must attend computer training to program these vehicles' sensitive and complex exhaust systems. He said he must keep a driver on the payroll to drive an operable bus to one that has broken down. They shift the kids to the operable bus, and the driver waits with the downed unit for a tow.
So, I asked my congressman where "greed-flation" fits into this picture.
I love Alex Jones but why can’t he shut the hell up and let his guests finish their sentences before he interrupts! So annoying.