This Health Roundtable is very long but I recommend not missing a minute. Our country in tandem with the food industry has been poisoning our food for decades. They have conceived of many ways to depopulate while making a ton of money for big pharma and the food industry. Sen. Johnson, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Dr. Means and many more panel members will share shocking statistics and expose how food companies are putting deadly ingredients in our food while they sell the same product in other countries without the poison ingredients. Good health is not found in pill bottle or a needle but we are brainwashed to run to the doctor for every ache and pain when most of those aches and pains are because of our horrible eating habits, poisoned foods sold to the public without their knowledge, lack of exercise and sunshine. HEALTH ROUNDTABLE
NEXRAD Frequency Pulses Keep Hurricane Milton Localized to Florida? (Watch Video) - ARTICLE/VIDEO (there are several very short videos embedded in this article)
‘Remdesivir Papers’ Allege Controversial Drug Used to Treat Service Members Led to 601 Deaths - why was this drug ever approved by the FDA when previous ebola trials using Remdesivir, as one of the drugs in the trial, killed 54% of the people in the trial that were given Remdesivir? It was the first of the 3 drugs used in the trial to be pulled from the trial because of the high death rate. ARTICLE
The nerve of these food executive CEO bastards CONNING and/or BUYING our American politicians by signing bills to incorporate a list of POISON in our food. To invest their profits by cutting safety corners knowing it does harm! Every politician behind this needs to be fully investigated because he/she gave approval to sign “poisons” into law. Where the hell has the FDA been on this? Oh, that’s right, they haven’t! And if you haven’t been paying attention…they poison the hell out of Americans😡. This has been going on for three decades!
yes we should all be eating organic and low on the food chain but i don't trust casey means or rfk either. before you invest hours in watching that food summit, read sasha's article, once again she's the voice of reason