Thomas Sowell to Levin on America today: 'Real danger' - 13 min. VIDEO
Zelensky Asks Marina Abramovic To Be Ambassador for Ukraine - This should tell you all you need to know - - ARTICLE/VIDEO (10 min.)
United Nations faces power grab resistance from countries refusing to be bulldozed - this is long but important - ARTICLE
Florida Surgeon General: “NOBODY Should Take a COVID Shot…These Are Terrible Products That Absolutely Shouldn’t Be in Human Beings” - ARTICLE/VIDEO (15 min.)
STOP 30X30 - Joe Biden signed EO 14008 On January 27, 2021 (just days after taking office) which will seal off 30% of American land, with no human presence allowed, by 2030. Given the fact the government already controls 27% of American land that pretty much gets close to the target of UN Agenda 21 and the Wildlands Project. PLEASE join me and American Stewards of Liberty and let Joebama we do not support his unconstitutional act of controlling American land for purposes not expressed in the Constitution by signing the letter. You will get an email asking to verify your email address. LINK
The RSV scam - Dr. Meryl Nass - if you don’t have the inclination to watch the video Dr. Nass has written an explanation and provided her slides - ARTICLE/VIDEO (45 min.)
COVID: A hallmark of a true American citizen is the ability to detect the stench of bondage. Many of us saw Covid for what it was from the onset. Others took a while. You can easily see the outward clues of those who hate truth and freedom; they are still driving alone, walking outside, etc., while WEARING A MASK! It's a scientific fact; if you can smell smoke or an odor through the mask, it's not stopping any virus. Those who love bondage are normal, intelligent humans who will call you a terrorist if you tell them that simple scientific fact! This is not education, or science-based, it's RELIGION. Ask that mask wearer if he believes in God, and you'll get a predictable answer. Godly people have hope. We fear less and we put our faith in that which endures. The Godless live in a house of cards, held together with lies and virtue signaling. They embrace every godless fad, ignorant of how lost they are. I weep for these lost souls whose brains are doing them so little good! "The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved." 2 Thessalonians 2: 9-10
I am sharing this like crazy, thank you Karen!!