Thursday Oct. 6, 2022 Truth Bomb
CHD-James Roguski/Sen. Johnson/UN-Federal Reserve/CDC/and more
DON’T FORGET: TOMORROW IS CASH FRIDAY (Cash only, no credit or debit cards)
‘Friday Roundtable’ Episode 27: W.H.O’s Secret Meetings With James Roguski + Valerie Borek, J.D. - if you are not aware of the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty you need to start taking it serious because negotiations are taking place and the goal is to use health and fear to steal the sovereignty of all 192 member states. If this treaty gets approved the WHO can call ANYTHING a PHEIC (Public Health Emergency of International Concern) I predict the first PHEIC they will call will be the climate change hoax. It will end up being the largest redistribution of US tax payer money and our freedom in history. And believe me the end game is total control of ALL human activity and directing huge amounts of money to the WHO/UN using fear and health to make it happen. Very good, informative interview. 1 hr. VIDEO
Sen. Johnson Introduces Legislation to Protect American Sovereignty Against World Health Organization - Sen. Johnson wants to pass legislation to insure the WHO Pandemic Treaty does not get passed without a vote from the Senate - This is very important legislation - You might want to call your Senator if they are not already a co-sponsor. I will be calling Sen. Blackburn today. Luckily my other Senator (Sen. Hagerty) is already a co-sponsor. This bill was submitted in May 2022. Now how come not a peep about this bill? I haven’t even heard Sen. Johnson talk about it. Very strange. ARTICLE Here is the text of the bill S4343
WHO - Biden’s Covid advisor outlines the US will give up constitutional sovereignty to the WHO. - if you want to help us stop this takeover PLEASE sign up at: and take action. We cannot afford to wait. We need to take ACTION NOW!!! Share and get your friends, neighbors and relatives to sign up. If you belong to a group get them to sign up. SIGN UP/TAKE ACTION. Everything you need can be found at the WITHDRAWUN Substack page. The UN is using health to steal our sovereignty and redistribute our wealth. ARTICLE
United Nations calls on the U.S. Federal Reserve and other central banks to halt interest rate increases. Central banks risk pushing the global economy into recession, a UN agency said Monday. - ARTICLE
‘My Carbon’: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities - pay close attention to #1 COVID was the test #2 technologies to track your every move, purchase and eventually your thoughts - ARTICLE
Making the case that COVID-19 virus was NEVER ever 'novel' or new, it was circulating for many years & we had some level of cross-reactive immunity; Majdoubi & Lavoie & Pelech key Vancouver May 2020 - ARTICLE
EXC: Ex-CIA Jan 6th Committee Aide Advised Biden-Linked Ukraine Consulting Firm Under DOJ Investigation. - this will surely set your hair on fire - NOTE: The article mentions “Center for American Progress” (think Soros, John Podesta and Van Jones) Podesta just recently joined the Biden administration and was Hillary’s campaign manager and he wants to open an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election that brought in a win for Trump. The hipocracy of these democrats is unreal. ARTICLE
Both of these articles need to be shared with friends, neighbors, on your social media outlets and relatives
Buried Bombshell: CDC Forced to Reveal They Had 71 MILLION Symptoms Reported to Them Following Covid Jabs - VERY IMPORTANT - ARTICLE
Why did the CDC hide the V-safe data from the American people for almost 2 years? by Steve Kirsch - VERY IMPORTANT - ARTICLE
Very good work there Karen Bracken, TY.
Great reporting, Karen.
I had not heard a thing about Sen. Johnson's Legislation to "Protect American Sovereignty Against World Health Organization" although I am a contributor to his re-election campaign. Why he would not at least send out an email to his followers is a mystery. But I am glad he has done this.