TN Petition/Pandemic Treaty delayed again/Kick Butt Border Czar/Mike Davis/Genetically modified wheat/Kamala Harris bought her support
Tuesday November 12, 2024 Truth Bomb
If you live in Tennessee PLEASE sign this petition. I am the founder of TN Citizens for State Sovereignty and we have legislation for 2025 that would establish 5 pathways in which to invoke nullification when the federal government passes unconstitutional laws, regulations, rules, mandates, EOs, treaties or international agreements. If you do not live in TN but know people in TN PLEASE forward this petition. We will give these petitions to the sponsors of the legislation to support their efforts letting members of the committees see that Tennesseans want this legislation passed - DO NOT DONATE ANY MONEY TO THIS PETITION. THANK YOU. PETITION
YAY! The WHO's Pandemic Treaty: No agreement, no special WHA session next month, negotiations continue until next May BY Dr. Meryl Nass - this is much bigger than most people realize - ARTICLE
Trump Picks New "Border Czar" Ahead of Mass Deportations - this guy is a no nonsense kick butt leader and the right man for this job - ARTICLE/VIDEO (28 seconds)
Mike Davis is who Trump needs to make AG - another no nonsense kick butt leader - VIDEO (1 min.)
Genetically modified wheat by Dr. Mercola - ARTICLE
FEC Filings Show Kamala Harris Team Blew Funds On Hollywood Stars, Private Jets - ARTICLE
couldn't access the mercola article, here is a variant
check out a you tube video by dr john global health body