Trump Ends Birthrigh Citizenship (The facts about why he can)/Bill to allow AI to prescribe drugs/Gates the great anti-human/Past & Current Presidents/The dirt on scums Sam Altman and Larry Ellison
Sunday Janauary 26, 2025 Truth Bomb
Trump Ends Birthright Citizenship - I could cry reading this article. FINALLY someone of influence that truly understands the original intent of the Constitution and namely the 14th Amendment. I often refer to the US Senate Debate of 1866 and Mr. Wolverton refers to the same. He also refers the real definition of natural born citizen from the Law of Nations a document referred to by our founders while creating our founding documents. This was the definition understood by all people at the time of our founding and there has never been a law passed to change the definition. KUDDOS to Mr. Wolverton. He will be speaking in Johnson City, TN on February 4, 2025 and I cannot wait for this presentation entitled: MAKE AMERICA STATES AGAIN. The audience will get a good lesson in the states authority over the federal government. Most people think the federal government has power over the states. The federal government’s power comes from the states and the people of the states and is limited to Art. 1 Sec. 8 of the US Constitution and it is about time the lies spewed from the federal government are put to bed. The deliberate dumbing down of America has been all about Americans not knowing the truth of the power derived in the states and the people and the VERY LIMITED legislative power given to the federal government by the states and the people of the states. We here in TN have been fighting for almost 3 years now to restore our rightful authority. In this article Mr. Wolverton also explains the true definition of NBC (Natural Born Citizen) Place of birth has no bearing on NBC. The citizenship of the father is what determines the NBC of the children. ARTICLE
CALL YOUR US REP. AND SENATORS - Tell them to vote NO on this bill. It is dangerous and will do away with doctors diagnosing and caring for patients. If AI diagnosis a person with cancer and their diagnosis is wrong……how do you sue AI?? Watch this bill and if it gets passed be sure to organize and make sure your state does not allow AI to prescribe drugs to sick people - HB238
Bill Gates wants to reduce the population - VIDEO
6 Presidents worth before they became President and what they were worth when they left office. What is your answer to the question at the end of the video -Thanks to Brent B. - 1 min. VIDEO
Fear And Loathing In DC: Why Did Trump Push Larry Ellison's Deranged AI mRNA Cancer Shots, Days Before RFK Jr. Is To Be Confirmed As Head Of HHS? Not A Reason To Abandon Hope, But Very Odd by Celia Farber - ARTICLE/VIDEOS
URGENT: Mike Pence's Big-Pharma-Funded Advocacy Group Attacking RFK Jr. Has Ties To Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson - I have NEVER like Pence and was very disappointed when Trump chose him as his VP. Pence has always been a snake - ARTICLE
BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP: I worked for a cotton farmer in Texas with about 10 thousand acres. Every season, he'd hire several Mexican families (each with 5-10 kids) who came over legally. They'd work until they had to return. Often, a child was born to a family. There was never a claim of "Birthright Citizenship" because they did not have a leftist politician humping their leg to become permanent Democrat-voting residents.
I grew up in a family of tradesmen, and I've run a construction business for 25 years. I know many contractors, landscapers, masons, roofers, etc., who have built their businesses on the model of hiring LEGAL itinerant workers. If you wonder why a small, single-family home in the burbs NOW costs almost 3/4 of a million dollars, you can blame the leftist politicians who destroy everything they touch.
I am hugely encouraged with the start of this administration. His starting in NC and then jacking up idiocy in CA was monumental. The idea of terminating the grotesque boondoggle that is FEMA bolsters my confidence that reducing the Federal behemoth is a genuine policy goal that we are embarked on.
AI health care is already a problem that I believe will get sorted in reasonably short order. RFK Jr is soon to be among us and will bring focus to the abomination that is Rockefeller medicine. I think he has already been a major influence - the muzzling of the Pharma bought and paid for Federal-corporate sick care bureaucracy. That put the halt on the planned "bird flu" pandemic. Just can't have a fake pandemic without the hype.
DJT has done so much so quickly my perception is the DS is in panic mode and unable to mount a response in this moment. They have a lot of catching up to do. Active duty Military on the border. I believe a whole crap ton of NGO's will get dissolved, perhaps even prosecuted.
It is my hope investigations will continue to be pursued and others brought without regard to what will prove to have been unconstitutional and therefore invalid "pardons". Resultant prosecutions will proceed and recipients of such can present them in Courts in their defenses. They won't help. No one challenged Nixon's, everyone wanted him gone. All of these will be challenged. Our Constitution did not confer "Godship" on our chief executive.
Fauci will not skate. Neither will Bill Gates.
There can not be recovery without effective remediation of the causal malignancy.
We are here. We are focused. We are well led. We are awake. We will not be diverted. We will hold their feet to the fire.
We understand there are no "good old times" to go back to. We understand failure in this here and now is directly tantamount to suicide for ourselves and the murder of our children. We will not fail.