WALZ/Tetrazine/FOIA Lady/Hurricane Helene/Brain Dead Fraud/Replicon Vax/uN Pact of the Future/FCC fast tracked approval of Soros purchase of 200 radio stations
Wednesday October 2, 2024 Truth Bomb
Walz Education Appointee Calls for the Overthrow of the U.S. - ARTICLE
Have you ever heard of Tetrazine? Well you need to know about it. 5 min. VIDEO
The FOIA lady - noting to see here I am sure, right? - ARTICLE
Was Hurricane Helene Engineered? Geoengineering Expert's Bombshell Claim of Human Manipulation Behind Deadly Storm (Video) - well I think I said it in my substack on Tuesday and here it is right from THE expert - ARTICLE/VIDEO (1 min. 46 secs.)
Brain Death Fraud - if you are an organ donor you might want to reconsider - I had shared this before but feel some may have missed this info - VIDEO (1 hr.)
Replicon Vaccine - Japan Becomes The New Wuhan Wet Market For 2024 - this to me is how they will vaccinate everyone and is a war against those of us that refuse to take their poisons into our body. This may be only in Japan right now but believe me it will not stay in Japan. ARTICLE
US Government working with United Nations on plan for global control - for those saying “the federal government cannot do this” or “they cannot do this because the Constitution does allow them the authority to do so” ah time to wake up. While in the real world of perhaps 50 years ago this might mean something but just in case you haven’t noticed our federal government trashed the Constitution many decades ago and WE THE PEOPLE allowed them to do something. How many know that Art. 1 Sec. 8 of the US Constitution lists 18 enumerated law making powers given to the federal government by the STATES and the PEOPLE of the states. Anything not on that list belongs to the states!!! The created does not have power over the creator. If you expect the federal government to behave and stay in their small garden it is not going to happen again not going to happen. Our founders understood what happens to men and women when given power and that is why they made the states and the people of the states superior in authority over the federal government - ARTICLE
Democrats on FCC approve Soros' purchase of 200+ radio stations without national security review of foreign cash - this should have NEVER NEVER been approved but you all know why it was fast tracked - Another unconstitutional 3-letter agency that needs to be defunded - ARTICLE
Thank you Karen Bracken
... yeah, great links here Karen, thanks, a couple of these are just what i need right now, i linked to repicon article, there i linked to the Ancient Bloodlines interview, with Leuren Moret of Davis, i posted that sometime ago, lost it on the phones i inadvertently smashed, and forget about it 'till recently, and coildn' t quite recall it, so this is great, really appreciated... (edit: my original link didn't 'translate', i mean didn't copy here, so instead I'm posting this, hope it works, u may have posted already, a good source describes it as the plan for human enslavement, (which ain't goin to come to fruition, if we are strong minded, and wilful in our opposition)... https://perma.cc/DS4Q-2KPU ...)) ...just give it a few seconds to load!...