May 9, 2023Liked by Karen Bracken

Thank You Karen for always writing and speaking to Truth!

I am constantly amazed by not only Our Government, WHO, and the rest of these tyrants, have to work so hard to destroy Humanity. WHO, translate's to World "Health" Organization and are doing the exact opposite! Here I go to lala thinking ... they should be able to drill wells, supply clean water for people who need it! How to grow food in their Country's, just to name a few Fundamentals for Life! It would be way easier, more to be proud of, let alone save money!

Then we have ( example ) Vivek R, having to scrub out about who he really is , seems he isn't the only one! I still need to know if his parents are US Citizens, but I won't be holding my breath!

If We The People don't call out Biden Regime and almost everyone else that has committed Treason in our Government, along with Crimes Against Humanity, then return to GOD'S direction for Living...oh boy are we Screwed!

It's sooo much easier if we live by God, Family, then Country!

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If you have trouble opening the link from Reggie Littlejohn here is the link.


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May 9, 2023·edited May 9, 2023

For an electric dishwasher to work, you first have to make it. Preferably here in America. Then you need the power to run it. Power that may not be available soon. Oh and you need special soap too. Add all that 'extra' up and you are now not saving anything. Oh, and the cost to install and dispose of the diswasher must also be factored in. People often overlook ALL of the extraneous costs in many realms. You can wash a big load of dishes by hand with a 2 gallons of water. You don't have to waste water to wash dishes by hand its actually much much cheaper and uses less resources overall.

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You are a true inspiration, Karen! Thank you for your tireless efforts and hard work to educate and empower people. I appreciate you!

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Excellent. For garbage pushed by the good old lying, leftist lamestream media. Lying? How so? Here's how so: Y'know the self-same media that going all the way back to NY Slimes Pulitzer Prize winner Walter " I don't see no stinkin' starving kulaks in Stalin's Ukraine" Duranty (perhaps around 5 – 6 million were starved to death by Stalin in his Holodomor) to Lincoln "I have seen the future in Stalin's USSR, and it works" Steffens to fake Nobel Prize winner Rigoberta Menchu, accidentally outed by another leftist, to another NY Slimes wunderkind, fiction writer Jayson Blair, who resigned in 2003 after he was outed for stories—some front page—that were fabricated or plagiarized, to Dan "I found a memo!" Rather, to Brian "I was shot down in a helicopter in Iraq in 2003" Williams, and the list goes on and on and on... such as Walter Cronkite telling us (regardless of how you felt about its rightness) that the Viet Nam war was being lost during the Tet offensive, while at the same time North Viet General Giap admitted later on in his memoirs that all was lost unless the American public was lied to and told they were losing, to Mikey Isikoff /Newsweek’s infamous May 9, 2005 issue that cited some “unnamed source” saying the Qu’ran was trashed at Guantanamo – and was later proven false, but not after many were killed in the rioting that ensued overseas (“no matter if people die… as long as their political ends are met, right?).

And speaking of fake Pulitzer Prize winners, how about good old Janet Cook and here fake story in the Washington Post, Jimmy’s World. Duranty would be jealous! And speaking of 9/11, don’t forget the famous – and utterly idiotic – tweet from the NYT that said “Airplanes took aim and brought down the World Trade Center.” This tweet was so intellectually vapid it deleted it shortly after. (Reminiscent of “guns kill people” articles… as if guns grow legs and fingers, and run around shooting people with no human operators.

More recently, here https://twitter.com/i/status/1651188180790517761 is activist Jose Vega confronting the mainstream media powerhouses in some fake open forum, for their warmongering narratives and blatant disregard for the truth. Vega is, of course, promptly escorted out by security for asking simple, basic questions based on demonstrable fact.

And don’t forget Vietnam reporter Peter Arnett and his famed supposed quote from a US officer that I grew up on, “We had to destroy the village to save it” – except that this was later proven to be – wait for it! – another media fake, and when pressed he never could provide evidence of who, exactly, said it. Or perhaps you prefer Charles Jaco of CNN “reporting live from Saudi Arabia” in the 1990” Iraq war…. or should I say, in front of a fake green screen. If you need a refresher, from a linked clip is a video of the broadcast (which I saw myself) or see here as well. The fake news doesn’t care if you see this now (which is why it is allowed on co-opted Youtube), as this has already gone down the Orwellian memory hole of the general public so they don’t care. Only I suggest you should care, as they continue to do this stuff today, only even more. Of course, the whole Iraq gambit was pushed by the media, including the famous Nayirah al-Sabah, aka ‘Nurse Nayirah,” who told us in no explicit terms, that the Iraqis were murdering babies in cold blood. (Perhaps if she had said the babies were “aborted” rather than “murdered” the media would have lauded Saddam. Certainly the left thought Maryland bill 669 was just fine: Maryland Senate Bill 669 Legalizes Infanticide Up To 28 Days After Birth (and California bill AB 2223 not that far off from this, although they “largely” removed the text decriminalizing infanticide.) And behind the Iraq war mongering? None other than Hills+Knowlton, who also did the playbook for throw the public off the scent over the dangers of tobacco back in the day. H+K presented an “Nurse Nayirah” who testified that Iraqi soldiers were taking babies out of incubators in the hospital and throwing them onto the freezing floor. In reality, of course, she was the daughter of a Kuwaiti ambassador and the whole story was complete fiction, a a PR stunt designed to create outrage and support for the war effort in Iraq

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Link for Mrs Reggie (?) https://sovereigntycoalition.org/

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