High School Shaming Boy: What follows are reasons NOT to have children in a public school EVER:

1. There is no more unnatural setting in society than a room full of one's exact peers with one person telling them what to think. It exists nowhere except schools, and it produces consistently poor results.

2. The three most horrible influences on a child are: a) his peers, b) his peers and c) his peers.

3. EVERYTHING funded by government becomes corrupt.

4. There is no 'universal education.' A head of lettuce is as foreign to an Eskimo as a frozen river is to a Puerto Rican.

5. Society never evolves upward. Society always sinks to the lowest denominator.

6. There is no measurable amount of public school teachers or administrators who were/are Veterans, business owners, clergy or real-life employees.

7. Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev said: "We cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism, until they suddenly awake to find they have communism." The softest target for this movement has been

public education.

8. It's the responsibility of the parent to educate their child. NOT to see that their kid gets to school each day, but to EDUCATE THEM!! The socialism we see in America was born at HOME!!

9. When your kid goes to public school, the school OWNS the entire family. When you educate your own kid, you STILL OWN THE SCHOOL. They can play sports, band, drama, etc., but they do not have to sit under the tutelage of a pervert.

10. "But, our school is the exception." No, friend, you are an idiot!

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Unbelievably exactly on point. It has also been the public education system that has taught future parents it's ok to let others care for and raise your children along with the federal government that shamed mothers out of the home and into the work force in order to increase their corruption from the additional tax revenue from the female workforce and to get further control over the minds and hearts of our future generations.

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I thank you for reawakening my awareness of John Birch Society. I assumed they'd been destroyed by our tyrannical and overwhelmingly powerful deep state. I like the optimism.

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Nope they are still hanging in there stronger than ever.

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