Jun 5, 2023Liked by Karen Bracken

Teacher Explains Sex Toys: Did you watch the video? One of the primary reasons public school teachers find such joy in perverting young minds is because it's the ONE WAY they can get the kids' attention. If you Home School, you'll find that a grasshopper, a science experiment, a race to see who can add up the grocery bill fastest, and reading quality literature HOLD THE KID'S ATTENTION FAR BETTER!! There is not ONE reason a parent can offer for putting a kid in public education that makes sense. And, I've heard them all: Can't afford it, Not qualified, Wouldn't know where to start, I pay school taxes, and on, and on. It boils down to one thing only: POOR PARENTING. If you love your kids, you'll PARENT THEM! If you think you can't afford to school your kid at home, wait til they are still living with you at age 35, or you've bailed them out of jail half a dozen times, or one comes home with an illegitimate baby, or needs a sex change operation, or is dying of AIDS......THEN, you'll look back and see how CHEAP home schooling can be!!

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Brent you know how I feel about home school and I agree with you totally. I have worked with many families to overcome their perceived idea of how they could not home educate. If you want to you will, if not you will make excuses. There is no valid excuse if you truly want the best for your children.

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Parents love blaming teachers, but in the end it's the parents who have more teaching time with their children. Survival of the wisest at this point.

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Well if you think about it parents today and for several decades have actually less time and influence thith their children. Whether by design or by choice. The kids are thrown into daycare for 10 hours a day, then into public school and after school programs and then come home and told to sit in front of the TV or they are glued to a cell phone or computer. This plan has worked beautifully for those that knew the way to destroy a country and culture and turn it communist was by destroying the family and indoctrinating the children. What we see today is a direct result of that plan. Parents who had the foresight and unselfish courage to home school are the success story and the crimp in the plan. Just a shame more parents did not care enough to protect their kids from the evils embedded in the system. We would be looking at a much different scene today.

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FYI there's a lot of haze and smoke up here in Niagara Ontario, which people are blaming on the wildfires. Hm...couldn't have anything to do with cutting down all the old growth Sequoia trees in BC so Elon can have more satellites and 5g deployment?

So much to keep up with - thanks for all this Karen.

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Thank you Karen for your DILIGENCE to put out information that we can TRUST. and pass on to our like minded friends, family and colleagues.

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Thank you my dear friend. I like the shorts because they are things that can be shared and even those with a short attention span can get educated.

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...they've been touting the cyber attack for some time...and apparently ran their Cyber Pologon...this short video presents a very sinister aspect concerning this threat... https://rumble.com/v2s1n2i-wef-insider-brags-false-flag-on-power-grid-will-be-worse-than-911.html ...i find the prospect demoralizing to put it mildly ..

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Thanks. You know I will watch it. Gotta go plant some apple trees then back to business,😂

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“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.” — Robert Louis Stevenson

(edit)..."The tiny seed knew that in order to grow it needed to be dropped in dirt, covered in darkness, and struggle to reach the light.” — Sandra Kring

“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.” — Cynthia Occelli

“Life does not accommodate you; it shatters you. Every seed destroys its container, or else there would be no fruition.” — Florida Scott-Maxwell

“When your heart is broken, you plant seeds in the cracks and pray for rain.” — Andrea Gibson

“Love is the seed of all hope. It is the enticement to trust, to risk, to try, to go on.” — Gloria Gaither

Have Faith in the Process

“To see things in the seed, that is genius.” — Lao Tzu

“A good question is never answered. It is not a bolt to be tightened into place but a seed to be planted and to bear more seed toward the hope of greening the landscape of idea.” — John Ciardi

“Keep planting new seeds until your mind becomes the earth that gives birth to new worlds.” — Curtis Tyrone Jones

“Legacy. What is a legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.” — Hamilton, the Musical

“Though I do not believe that a plant will spring up where no seed has been, I have great faith in a seed. Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders.” — Henry David Thoreau

“A seed knows how to wait… a seed is alive while it waits.” — Hope Jahren

. . .u know i 'm thorough Karen...😨😱🥲...and i deleted Sheryl Sandberg's quote from the list...i know she'd have wanted me to!...enjoy ur planting Karen!...

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This is what I tell people all the time when they express frustration due to people refusing to see and hear the truth. I just tell them to keep talking even to those that do not want to hear because our job is plant seeds. I have had this happen on many occasions. People thought I was nuts then one day I get a call or an email sharing an experience that opened their eyes and if I had not planted the seed they would have never recognized what was taking place. So people just need to keep talking truth and target those that resist because are the very people you might save one day. THANKS.

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...good point...i've no doubt Karen that u've influenced innumerable folk down through the years ...its probably a bit like leaves falling...u don't notice perhaps at first, then 'suddenly' they are all around u...?!...🤔 ...

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Well you know they offered SAT phones to all members of the Senate. Only 50 members accepted the offer. When I posted that information I asked folks what they thought.....I knew exactly why they got those phones.

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...its ominous alright...btw i deleted a comment i'd just posted...i had my reasons...it had mention of a film which in retrospect i believe is far too disturbing to watch...despite so much of it being evidently true...it was about WW2...i found it very disturbing and soul rending...

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This could be the black swan event that brings in CBDC - thanks for sharing this Gerry. Can't forget that they did say this.

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...ur welcome! and yeah, it could be...no doubt Roman!...

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...Sinclair had really been attempting to blow the creep away!...😮...😂🤣😂...which may explain his suspected disappearance!...

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I think Sinclair was afraid he would get blown away like Mr. Young. I am surprised they didn't do him in. What we see today with all this trans garbage, gay rights, pedophilia is to legitimize the dark underbelly in the perverted members of government at every level. The day will come when Obama steps out and he will be forever memorialized for his perversion. Bad becomes good. Lies become truth. Right becomes wrong.

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