Candace Owens/Organ harvesting/Dr. Sherri Tenpenny/Social Emotional Learning/How Did Hamas Know/Body bags
Monday October 21, 2024 Truth Bomb
Candace Owen has done several awesome investigative videos on the REAL Kamala Harris. This is her latest. Candace had already proven that the picture of Kamala Harris’s grandmother in her book is not her grandmother. But who is she? Candace will eventually find out. She believes the woman in the picture with Kamala is hired help because her Jamaican/Irish ancestors owned slaves. Go figure. Here is the latest on this issue and if you missed Candance’s previous videos where she shows all the research and proof you can find them on her YouTube and Rumble channels. BUT I would sure like to see her and others get into the issue that REALLY matters. Kamala Harris IS NOT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN and is therefore NOT eligible to be VP or President. Of course going after this is not quite as glamorous but it is THE reason Kamala needs to be removed from the office of VP and removed from the 2024 Presidential race. 34 min. VIDEO
Kentucky man wakes up on operating table as doctors begin to harvest his organs after he's declared brain dead - Organ harvesting is a very lucrative business for hospitals. You cannot harvest an organ from a dead person. Recently I shared a very eye opening interview with a medical professional that exposed the truth about organ donation/harvesting. I made it very clear to my family that I am never to have my organs donated and I advised them not to donate either. Too many people that “may” be determined to be brain dead (how do you know they are not lying to you) will have their organs harvested while they are still physically alive. Gee, what could possibly go wrong especially when a lot of money is involved? ARTICLE
Below is the interview I had shared back in Sept. The first 30 minutes is about a young girl that has suffered a devastating adverse reaction to “vaccine” and the at the 29 minute mark the interview about BRAIN DEATH FRAUD starts - VIDEO
Bioengineered Food by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - ARTICLE
Social Emotional Learning – Creating a Nation of “Nones” for the New American Religion. - before ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) was passed in 2015 I worked with Anita Hoge to warn parents that ESSA was NOT a piece of education legislation but mental health legislation that would only bring harm to future generations. If you are not aware of ESSA and what was in it you might want to catch up. Reading the document is impossible because they made it so long no one could ever get through it not even the legislators that voted for it. The doctrine of SEL is not the job of the school. When parents hand over their parental duties to the federal government (Ie public schools) they will only have themselves to blame when their children turn out to be people that parents can no longer recognize. Public schools are NOT safe for our children. Not mentally; not physically; not morally; not academically - ARTICLE
Here are some resources that will help you understand the dangers in this legislation and most parents do not even know it exists.
HOW DID HAMAS KNOW?? Unless you are totally brain dead the answer to this question is very obvious - Nick is a Republican legislator in Virginia - Thanks to Brent B. - 10 seconds VIDEO
10,000 Body Bags Were Not Enough - 7 min. VIDEO
The other side of the “How did Hamas Know” coin is that Israel obviously knew about and allowed it to happen. When one understands why, one is on the way to understanding many other things.
Here we are awaiting the election and rather suddenly we are bombed with the fact that Kamala Dumbkopf is NOT eligible to be VP or P????? Like, what is being done when confronting the truth of the matter? Where is Congress, where is AG Garfinkle on the issue? How can we not blame Congress for being asleep at the wheel? Is there some kind of power push from higher ups to curiously omit these truths about Imposter Kamala?