The other side of the “How did Hamas Know” coin is that Israel obviously knew about and allowed it to happen. When one understands why, one is on the way to understanding many other things.
Here we are awaiting the election and rather suddenly we are bombed with the fact that Kamala Dumbkopf is NOT eligible to be VP or P????? Like, what is being done when confronting the truth of the matter? Where is Congress, where is AG Garfinkle on the issue? How can we not blame Congress for being asleep at the wheel? Is there some kind of power push from higher ups to curiously omit these truths about Imposter Kamala?
I have written about this nauseum and no one seems to care or even understand the importance. We have had 2 usurpers (Obama and Harris) and both have done extreme damage and this is why our founders made it a requirement that VP and President must be natural born citizens. Obama and Harris were selected to put the final nail in our coffin. They both hate this country and every real American in it.
Commenting on the horrific situation in NC.....I would like to say the bull horn media are not reporting the truth of it and where I live the CBC is allowing their media spokespeople to deny the truth. A CBC radio personality by the name of Matt Galloway actually called it disinformation that people were not being helped. Of course his TDS reared up as well when he called out Trump for spreading the disinformation. Matt Galloway was not on the scene in NC he was in a protected sound studio so how he actually knows what is and is not true is a mystery to me.
The other side of the “How did Hamas Know” coin is that Israel obviously knew about and allowed it to happen. When one understands why, one is on the way to understanding many other things.
I believe that was the point. I don't think the US should be left out of the equation either.
I don’t know that guy well enough to know what he meant exactly. I assumed he was blindly pro Israel.
Here we are awaiting the election and rather suddenly we are bombed with the fact that Kamala Dumbkopf is NOT eligible to be VP or P????? Like, what is being done when confronting the truth of the matter? Where is Congress, where is AG Garfinkle on the issue? How can we not blame Congress for being asleep at the wheel? Is there some kind of power push from higher ups to curiously omit these truths about Imposter Kamala?
I have written about this nauseum and no one seems to care or even understand the importance. We have had 2 usurpers (Obama and Harris) and both have done extreme damage and this is why our founders made it a requirement that VP and President must be natural born citizens. Obama and Harris were selected to put the final nail in our coffin. They both hate this country and every real American in it.
Not just organ harvesting but DNA harvesting... that was the whole purpose of PCR testing...
To create a DNA Database
DNA Harvesting & Global Sterilization
And I can tell you right away where this all goes.
Back into politics right to the top.
Queensland Premier’s Father and Gene Harvesting
QLD Premier’s father runs genetic data storage company
What they want is a Database of everything...
You and me chipped...
Digital ID...
AI Policing
We like slave prisoners on planet Auschwitz.
Who is doing it?
Israel's Unit 8200 Alumina & the Global Spy Network
MK Ultra Covid-19 Unit8200 Israel
The real end game is they want most of the world population dead.
Yes but no.
The real endgame are the AI wars.
Depopulation... yes.
The rest chipped and controlled via AI...
to be precise a gigantic artificial grown AI supercomputer that feeds on Humanity.
Complete with Elon Musk's Robot Army... aka AI police.
It's hard to like a comment like that but I agree with it. The evidence is in our faces for those who want to look.
Please AMPLIFY the question…
“Kamala, Where is Jonah Rief?”
I had not heard of this story and will surely dig deeper.
Commenting on the horrific situation in NC.....I would like to say the bull horn media are not reporting the truth of it and where I live the CBC is allowing their media spokespeople to deny the truth. A CBC radio personality by the name of Matt Galloway actually called it disinformation that people were not being helped. Of course his TDS reared up as well when he called out Trump for spreading the disinformation. Matt Galloway was not on the scene in NC he was in a protected sound studio so how he actually knows what is and is not true is a mystery to me.'s a few interesting links in which u may find something of interest Karen...i'll look at the links here soon, went down this rabbit hole earlier, so here they are in reasonable order i hope, it takes time however folk should watch the short bitchute video if possible, 'cause it claims proof, i don' t doubt of ur likely been radiated at night while u sleep... ... ... ... sorry, i meant above Rumble video not Bitchute, btw a friend here, lost a friend of his, who died in his basement (rip) during the hurricane i'll have to ask him again which state...
Believe me I have no intentions of donating my organs. I will leave this earth the same way I entered.