Call me a nattering nabob of negativity iffin you like, but I’m going to predict that this chevron business changes absolutely nothing with the government over regulation. Hopefully I’m wrong, let’s see them pull something back before we celebrate

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I don't doubt that you are right. As always it will take the people to make it work and that hasn't worked out so well either.

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"Nattering nabob of negativity" -- a hahaha, that takes me back. We have missed such poetical political alliteration ever since Spiro Agnew was "deposed" to make way for the only unelected president in US history following Nixon's resignation.

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And now we are ruled over by the “effete corps of impudent snobs who characterize themselves as intellectuals." Wow, whoodathunk that Spiro was seeing the future?

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Our Challenge, We/Me/You is to heed these words and be pre-pared to Not only Survive but Restore Our Republic, which btw is "Something" that has never occurred in all of recorded history. Now, that is a "Game" Worthy of Our Lives, Fortunes, & Sacred Honor.

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The Putin/bird flu thing is a hoax.

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I did say I was not sure it was for real BUT my real point was I trust Putin more than I do our US government. This criminal war in Ukraine was started by the US working in cahoots with their buddy Zelensky. They are doing their best to start a war with Russia and I would not put it pass our own government to nuke us and blame Putin in order to force a war. Putin ain't playing the game.

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You seem to imply that I'm misunderstanding the issue. I can assure you I'm not.

As repeatedly mentioned in my own articles on my blog, I kind of like Putin myself: his personality, his sense of humor, and more generally his stance on just about everything. He is also an outstanding head of State, although you have to be somewhat naive to believe that there is still such a thing as a state in this world.

The commonly held myth that you seem to fall for here is that he's "not playing the game", when that's exactly what he does, with flying colors. Every single last dime is now being invested by the financial oligarchy in two mutually-reinforcing programmes: 1) the complete annihilation/enslavement of the West, 2) the consolidation of the BRICS. Both are supposed to bring them (the aforementioned oligarchs) the best possible Return On Investment - a scheme that has been the driving force of what is called civilization for centuries.

The Ukraine invasion has nothing to do whatsoever with saving the Russian-speaking Ukrainians (although a nice collateral benefit for them) from the evil Nazis. There are a lot of rare earth minerals in the now occupied, soon-to-be annexed eastern regions of Ukraine, and the EU will be all too happy to get a hold of the fertile western part of the country, as a compensation for their help with the "war" effort (basically the systematic extermination of the peasant class, WWI all over again). As for the "sanctions" against Russia, they were needed to bring about 1) the decoupling of their economy from the dollar - which will go down to net zero faster than CO2 emissions - and 2) a new monetary portfolio that will take over from the now dead and buried Bretton Woods system as a means for international trading.

There are no conflicts in this world, only bigger or smaller economic adjustments.

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I implied nothing.

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Then I misunderstood.

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