COVID/Is Trump suffering from dementia/Climate Racketeers/Chevron/J6 Protesters targetted
Tuesday July 2, 2024 Truth Bomb
Hong Kong Scientists Confirm: Covid Shots Cause HEART ATTACKS in Children - ARTICLE
BREAKING Publication--A Critical Analysis of All-Cause Deaths during COVID-19 Vaccination in an Italian Province by Dr. Peter McCullough - ARTICLE
EXCLUSIVE: Judge in Trump’s Manhattan Trials Reviews Risk Assessment by Anti-Trump Psychiatrist - I was never much of a fan for the psychiatric field before and even less after reading this political assassination of Donald Trump. I believe most of them are in more need of help than most of their patients. The medical field can no longer be trusted. They have let money and politics control the field of medicine. I wonder how much the authors of this evaluation on Trump sent to Merchan were paid??? ARTICLE
Exposed: How Climate Racketeers Aim to Force Us into Smart Gulags - They will go to any lengths to destroy private property rights and steal the land. It has always been about stealing the land and destroying private property. This has been the goal of the UN for decades. And they start these plans in other countries that are already more or less socialist or flat out communist because these people are already programmed to obey. Their governments could care less about what the people want and this will come to the US in fact it already has in the many 15-Minute cities that are being built. Thanks to A.J. C - ARTICLE
Did SCOTUS Ending Of Chevron Deference Mean Stake Through Heart Of Bureaucratic Dracula? Can America Be Revived As A "Free" Country? - Yeah Chevron was kind of like the Supreme Court giving itself the title of "final arbiter of the Constitution." Which was even worse than Chevron because our founders and the creators of the Constitution never gave that authority to the SC and in fact warned against it. And they made it VERY clear…… interpretation needed.
“To consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions is a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. Our judges are as honest as other men and not more so. They have, with others, the same passions for party, for power, and the privilege of their corps.” Thomas Jefferson
“The power under the Constitution will always be in the people.” George Washington
Biden DOJ Targeted January 6th Protestors —And Lost by Mike Davis - Mike Davis also reported yesterday the Supreme Court voted 6-3 to protect presidential immunity - are you seeing pattern with the Supreme Court. The justices are supposed to follow the Constitution not their political views. I believe we need to demand that the House impeach these political partisan justices. The reason SC justices do not step up as R or D is because they are to judge cases based on the Constitution and the 3 WOMEN leftist SC justices need to be removed. And Justice Amy Barrett is also treading on thin ice too. Some are saying the SC ruling on presidential immunity sets it up for Biden to assassinate Trump. This is crazy. The ruling was presidential immunity for some official acts not ALL official acts. ARTICLE
Our TN law to ban the spraying of the skies went into effect yesterday on July 1st. Beautiful blue skies in the early day. Then the lines started to appear early evening and they sprayed lines all across the sky. So much for our laws being obeyed for even a day.
Let's address the Dementia riddled pedophiles mental condition first before we start on Trumps mental state. Brandon and his cast of characters in his cabinet have the mental issues. Made up of a bunch of fruits and nuts!