Our TN law to ban the spraying of the skies went into effect yesterday on July 1st. Beautiful blue skies in the early day. Then the lines started to appear early evening and they sprayed lines all across the sky. So much for our laws being obeyed for even a day.

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I will be at a meeting tonight with Rep. Fritts and will ask him how we enforce his law. I have had several Tennesseans tell me they saw spraying in our skies yesterday. I plan on asking him how we enforce this law.

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Thank you! This was the area over Watts Bar Dam. I assume the planes go in/out of Knoxville at whatever military base they have there.

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Who is "they" and how are laws enforced against THEM?

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Good question. How do we stop the government from poisoning us?

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Exactly. People in TN should take action against the actual people who do the spraying as they are ultimately responsible. Assuming these planes are still flown by pilots. No war without order-followers. https://www.inpowermovement.org

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Let's address the Dementia riddled pedophiles mental condition first before we start on Trumps mental state. Brandon and his cast of characters in his cabinet have the mental issues. Made up of a bunch of fruits and nuts!

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Exactly! What a joke…they can’t spin that BS😂🤣 when the world saw the debate in realtime.

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Who? Me? (Rachel Levine)

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I think Rachel is due for his ProsPap smear appointment! See, I'm being politically correct. Where do I apply for a cabinet position with Mr. Potatoe Head and Obummers Cabinet?

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😂😂😂 Thanks! I needed that!

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While it's good to see SCOTUS demonstrate it's ability to remediate it's own idiocy, as in reversing the Chevron Deference, and Roe v Wade, it would be vastly better to see States adopt and aggressively employ Nullification and remand authority to the People with whom it rightfully resides.

In our specific case, I would disagree 9 individuals have the "right" to speak in the negative for the entire State of Tennessee. Repeatedly.

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Karen, maybe write on this. Fascinating. Important.


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Thanks. It is very long but I am not adverse to long video sadly most people will never watch a video that is more than 15-30 minutes long. But I spend my entire day reading and watching these videos no one else will watch. But I will watch this to the end. You have provided the link so hopefully others will watch too. Believe me I wish I didn't know what I know. I wish I could unknow what I know. But it is the reason why I don't sleep at night.

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I didn't know what I didn't know😂😂😂

Yup! Well with educational system designed to make us comply…

You search and search!!!!

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Ty! So maybe a little, and write on it? You're logical person. Good to see u.

I get worn out on sub stack and take nature vacations!

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"Judge in Trump’s Manhattan Trials Reviews Risk Assessment by Anti-Trump Psychiatrist." I think this is intended to discredit psychiatry more than Trump. I agree with your statement that most of them are in more need of help than most of their patients BUT there are a few golden nuggets amongst them. People like David Hughes who see this for what this is: a war on our minds. He wrote an excellent book, downloadable for free via this link: https://dhughes.substack.com/p/covid-19-psychological-operations

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I have to disagree.....it is not to discredit psychiatry....that field of medicines has discredited itself. This will be used by the judge to put Trump in prison saying that a psychiatric evaluation of Trump by "the experts" finds him a danger to society and they are going to slam him in prison. That is why I asked about them being paid for this assessment.

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"could care less" implies that they do care . "couldn't care less" implies they don't care.

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the statement "could care less" is used often to imply they could not care.

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Agree completely re those three female SC Justices. Two choices, IMO. They're either woefully ignorant of Constitutional limits/constraints on federal power, which means they're incompetent -- or they know exactly what they're doing, which makes them traitors. Either way, they have to go...

A question, Karen. Did the U.S. Civil Rights Act violate the natural law's property rights? For example, does a privately owned business open to the public have the (property) right to demand certain conduct of its patrons? That is, does the business owner have the natural right to make a medical intervention (a mask, for example) a condition of entry and access to goods and services? Attorney Kris Anne Hall says yes.

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