Thank you Karen for your work. It’s much needed and much appreciated

This world is totally f*cked up

The sick, demented and twisted humans are calling the remaining “normal” humans sick and abnormal. Which gives me little hope for future generations.

There’s only 2 genders in humans and in nature and if those perverted pieces of excrement want to twist that fact to support their degeneracy, they need to take that up with our creator since life on earth has been defined since it’s beginning, and no mutilation of their bodies can change that

One of the biggest mistake society gave them was giving them free reign to run amuck within society’s borders and to try and change normalcy into degeneracy

Psychotropics played a big part of this mess so once again we have the pharmafia to thank, along with the many scumbag doctors who fattened their bank accounts going along with the program

It’s all so sad and sickening

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I agree we are in a real mess in this country BUT I believe the real cause is the destruction of the family and parents pushing their kids off on strangers to raise them. Then when they are at home parents are quite happy to sit their little darlings in front of the TV, IPad or cell phone. Anything to keep the kids out of their hair. Terrible parenting is the cause of probably better than 90% of the mental illness we see in our youth. Sending kids off to daycare as babies is not normal for the human species. These kids grow up insecure, feeling unloved and unwanted and most times they never verbalize these feelings but regressed they surface later as vulnerable children ripe for the groomers. There is no such thing as a transgender, only mentally ill people that are so unhappy with themselves they are convinced or brainwashed by the medical cabal that changing their sex will be the answer to their total unhappiness only to find they are worse off than they were before. The puberty blockers and homrones make them violent, crazy and suicidal which then calls for more medications. And thus the total downward spiral. And this has all been planned long ago. The destruction of the family (and this does not just include fatherless or motherless homes) was the key ingredient needed to move the globalist (communist) agenda forward. And when the agenda has been completed the LGBTQ crowd will be the first group they go after for annihilation. They are the useful idiots.

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Bill C6 in Canada will send to prison parents who interfere with the transition. They call it conversion when you question affirmation. Any professional who likewise does so. With those changes to the criminal code there will be no one who can actually question the affirmation to the new gender without going to prison. So the child get referred through the school without the parents consent or knowledge can end up at a clinic where clearly no disadvantages are presented. At sick kids you can be referred to up to age 17 after that you are too old. The team is all pro affirmation. So what's really going on is frightening beyond belief and kids are not safe with "adults" you once trusted. Not only that a policy was enacted that all hiring must reflect the population of the school. They collect surveys of children. The more that trans or queer identify at age 10 the more the school needs to hire to reflect that reality. It's a system.

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Thank You Karen I always appreciate You!

Can I recommend to your readers to check out; Citizensforfreespeech.org by Patrick Wood or Stand and Deliver, weekly podcast on Friday, or can be found on Rumble.

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NP. I joined Patrick Wood's group a long time ago. I surely recommend his site. I have not followed Stand and Deliver but I am sure it is worth looking at. Thanks.

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