HOUSE REPUBLICANS: I've said MANY times that republicans are nothing more than the moderate wing of the democrat party. Nobody can find, or offer, evidence to the contrary! Case in point: every time republicans have a majority, they strangle themselves, or form circular firing squads. They get power and suddenly cannot find their butts with both hands! Their best and brightest are put in the corner, and all common sense gets flushed down the hopper. Here we sit, throwing our beer at the TV as, night after night, the people we thought were Americans....Conservatives....crap the bed. This isn't anger talking; it's 50 years of observation and study! The very last conservative thing the republican party ever did - and the first thing in several decades - was to draft and sign the "Contract With America." But, that's where it ended. With power came the power of the purse and they spent like drunk sailors.....no, like DEMOCRATS! Lest we think any of this party is capable of serving as a rudder for the ship, forget it. This band of turncoats will NOT elect a speaker until they find another McConnell who will stoop and grovel to the ruling party.

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For some reason my response posted twice. When I tried to delete one of the 2 responses they both deleted. Strange. I guess Substack is having some issues. But the short story is the federal government is dead to me and has been for a long time. That is why I spend my personal time fighting at the state level. When we get the Nullification process legislation passed my organization will make sure it gets used to nullify past, present and future unconstitutional laws, EOs, rules, regulations, laws, treaties, international agreements and everything that comes out of the unconstitutional alphabet agencies.

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Only one day off? Darn. The 10-21 articles are excellent.

Congratulations, once again. The big whigs are addicted to drama, diversion,

theft and graft, and moar money. Apparently, they are also big on murder,

and that is unforgivable.

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LOL. Yes only one day but it was not a day of rest. I was at meetings all day from 8am until 10:30pm and did not have the time to create my Substack (which takes me the better part of every day). The day started with a very long Bible Study session and the evening ended after I did a presentation to a group of patriots on TN Citizens for State Sovereignty which is my group that is supporting written and sponsored legislation to create a legally binding process in which to invoke Nullification so all for the cause.

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I would encourage you to share this with all your readers, especially with all the propaganda being spewed about Israel. This is very good and informative. Thank you so much!


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Thank you Be. I am watching it now and so far it is very good. Most decent people know that Hamas are murdering scum. I have not been posting about what is going on in Israel and prefer not to divert peoples attention from what else is going on. Whenever things like Ukraine/Russia and Israel/Hamas are taking place they are using it as a diversion against what is really going on. I just watched All Wars Are Bankers Wars for the 2nd time and you should watch it as well. ALL wars are created by the bankers. It is 43 min. and was made in 2013. Some real eye opening information. https://rumble.com/v3jj4nw-documentary-all-wars-are-bankers-wars.html

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Thank you! I will watch it. 😊

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