...thanks Karen!...i restacked the Reese article, crediting u as 'my source'!... here's a link to the Steiner lecture... https://rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA177/English/RSP1993/19171007p01.html ... it's not long, and the medical reference is towards the very end...i did a stack on this, if i find it i may link it here...i'd have to look it over again see if it's worth a look... 😀... (edit: here's another of his relevant lectures... https://rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA177/English/RSP1993/19171027p01.html ...)...

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There are 194 Countries, in WHO and in each case, it is the Politicians who drove the WHO false Covid Pandemic from February 2020, by putting in place "Disinformation Laws" from May 2020 to June 2023 to force as many to get vaccinated as possible. Those same people who we the majority, voted into Politics to look after us and our interests and they live amongst us - what seems to be the case is that Big Pharma pays them large lump sums when they quit Politics - but how can that be, the Politicians are paid huge incomes from the public purse, with lurks and perks, to keep them honest - surely any Big Pharma paid Politician is corrupt, as were the decisions they made to get everyone vaccinated, without knowledgable consent the purpose of the vaccines, or their Military end game, being what?

Don't you think it interesting that nobody has challenged Moderna about their patented Covid-19 virus CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG in 2013 - they stick with the Wuhan variety, even when evidence shows otherwise, or say they don't know where it came from - why is that?

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Yep, I should have known something was up when MSM, in lockstep, changed the pronunciation of Niger. 😜

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Look at the anti-Israel protests. Look at who is funding them and training the aggravators, lawyers, and militants.

Look at the pro-Israeli groups: Biblical Christians, "real" Jews, and conservative Americans.

Nobody is in the middle. Nobody is scratching their head wondering WHY?

Everybody KNOWS why! We oppose one another. The Muslims hate Jews and Christians and want them all wiped from the planet. The Jews and Christians know this and defend themselves.

This has been going on since Ishmael was born to Hagar.

You have to be a student of a public school not to know the history of Muslim aggression.

Genesis 16: "11 The angel of the LORD proceeded: “Behold, you have conceived and will bear a son. And you shall name him Ishmael, for the LORD has heard your cry of affliction. 12 He will be a wild donkey of a man, and his hand will be against everyone, and everyone’s hand against him; he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.”

Peace in the Middle East can be achieved in 3 minutes. All that is required is for Muslims to say; "OK, we're sorry. We lay down our weapons. Go in peace forevermore."

DONE! OVER WITH! Instant peace!

This will never happen because Satan owns those people!

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