I bet the smart cities will work out just as good as the EV cars. An exploding, flaming deadly mess. Thanks for all the links, as always.

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They may fall flat on their face but they will bankrupt everyone in the cities while they are at it. Do not undestimate the power these people have. EV cars were NEVER meant to be a success. They KNEW they would never fly with people. The goal was to throw us an alternative carrot to get us out of our gas powered cars then they would pull the rug out from under the EVs. There is no war against fossil fuels. The war is against mobility. That is the purpose of the 15 Minute Prisons and it the agenda behind the EVs. No one will ever be able to afford an EV. Electricity will be so expensive and so limited you won't be able to charge them (except for the rich). Car insurance for them will be so expensive you won't be able to afford it. Those cars are so heavy they chew up roads, tires and if you get hit by one you are done. Replacing the battery will also be unaffordable. They have it all figured it. This will also force people in the rural country side to move to the city and lose their property because no one will want to buy anything in the rural land. Again, all part of the UN Agenda 21/Wildlands Project.

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It really is astounding to me. Right here in my own small town (city pop. 56k and county pop. 300k) there are huge numbers of apt complexes going up. The commercial buildings that were there since town began have been re-zoned, cleared, and replaced with apt buildings. All over town including downtown. The millennials, primarily, think it's great, but it did not actually help ease the issue of "affordable housing". So.. govt is "helping out" here and there with rent subsidies, including free rent for homeless in hotels. It continues to change the local landscape, and of course it all makes total sense to almost everyone in this insanely liberal west coast town. "Smart prison" is exactly right. Many libs are convinced that life will be better if "someone" takes care of them, bc after all, it's their due.

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Affordable housing is anything but affordable and they know it. The issue is NEVER the issue. When our children are raised in a public school environment where the government feeds them (and this is ALL children not just the poor children), the school gives them mental and physical medical care and then proceeds to indoctrinate them all day long what is one to expect. If parents continue to send their kids to public/charter (which ARE public schools) it will only get worse. Kids are learning from daycare on up that the government feeds me, the government takes care of me so I will willingly give up my freedom so the government continues to take care of me. Brainwashing and indoctrination and parents have allowed it to happen. They should have NEVER trusted ANYONE when it comes to your kids. Single family homes and living on the rural land is under attack. They want us all shuttled into the city centers in our 15 Minute Prisons.

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"The issue is NEVER the issue " I really like that statement! 😊

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Thanks. It is very true. Nothing they tell us is what is really taking place. NOTHING. They lie to us about every thing.

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I am in complete agreement. 100%

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Name of your place?

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I mean the small town mentioned by @iLion.

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Oh. Perhaps they will answer. But what we both described is happening everywhere just not blatant. They move slow and stealthily

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