The Bravo Bravo link at end is no longer there...

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Yes it is. I just clicked on it and it works perfectly. It sounds like there is some hanky panky taking place. I just clicked on it and it played with no problems. Here is a direct link. If you are not signed up on Instagram could be the problem. But if you don't have Instagram it might not work for you. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuTuXddp-FF/?igshid=M2MyMzgzODVlNw%3D%3D

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ah, still no for me, instagram come up but with a japanese? heading above and blank screen, other instagrams seem to be ok

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And this just came in from Zero Hedge . . . Pedophile normalizer! . . . Unreal!!


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Yes I did see this article. They are coming out of the walls like cockroaches. Lots of lies being made up to destroy Tim Ballard and Angel Studios and what is most disturbing is many on Substack are picking up the lies and propaganda and spreading them to their readers. I have written my concern with them for spreading sensationalism instead of journalism. Not one of them has attempted to reach out to Tim Ballard or Angel Studios they just pick up on the click bait and go with it. (Some) of these supposed alt news writers are every bit as bad as CNN, FOX and others that spread lies in order to destroy the heroes stepping up to shed light on the cockroaches.

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Here is an interview with Paul Hutchinson, the executive producer of Sound of Freedom. and Mike Adams.. What he shares of his 70 rescue missions, with details of the one depicted in the movie, I thought you might want to see.


And here is an article by Brian Shilavy, from Health Impact News, who writes about the Veterans on Patrol, headed by Lewis Arthur. These veterans track kids who are being smuggled at the US-Mexico border:


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When good is buried within the social psyche, the evil ones aren't threatened. When good is around and flying like flags, the evil ones are threatened and must normalize it, to continue their domination over the social psyche.. Of course we know, good will prevail, and with enough flags God's will takes over. . . . We need a world wide prayer vigil to push that forward.

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I totally agree.

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One more link--you might have seen already--about the new Netflix doc "Take Care of Maya" which hopefully draws even more attention to child abuse in the US in the form of medical kidnapping. Brian Shilhavy seems to be the most outspoken journalist on this disgusting practice taking place in many states.


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...this ties in with Corey's links above...u couldn't make it up...https://svengork.substack.com/p/bill-gates-opat?utm_source=cross-post&publication_id=920416&post_id=135212643&isFreemail=true&utm_campaign=901885&utm_medium=email ...i've only just begun to read it...i see its importance...good comment over in Lynn...agree with u...

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