Jun 11, 2023Liked by Karen Bracken

Thank You Karen for your insight and how to get the information out to us! You are a True Warrior for God!!

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...the ignorance based criminality at Churchill Downs is a damning indictment of those involved, are they really that stupid?...its a further warning to us all...and needless to say they don't seem to share any empathy with these beautiful and intelligent 'animals'...another instance of the deplorable failure of 'consciousness' in our current iteration of the human 'race'...

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...Karen, i'm taking the liberty of putting up a few links here, the first https://chroniclesmagazine.org/view/a-deal-with-the-digital-devil/ ...which i accessed through https//:technocracy.news is a must read and credit to Joe Allen! ...so i'll post a few links regarding Alice Bailey which if u wish to delete by any means do so!...note that i'm not trying to impose a view or any such agenda!....so here's a link to a pdf of her book The Problems of Humanity http://www.mysticknowledge.org/12-Problems_of_Humanity.pdf ...that book provides the basis for coursework...her School had a set of lessons corresponding to the book...if i remember, a further set was later provided by The World Goodwill and heres where there may be questionable influences had become involved...i'm in the current process of taking a look at them so here they are : (edit) succintly here's where they may be accessed...https://www.lucistrust.org/world_goodwill/problems_of_humanity/poh_order. ...and here's a short article on laughter...need i suggest the name of the author?! ..."Meditation on Laughter"

'I need to know my place – What is my place in the scheme of things? What is or are the qualities I bring to my group? Enthusiasm, perseverance, courage, sense of beauty, grace, joy – flow (dance) laughter…What is laughter? One’s innermost clear, vibrant resonance of one’s full livingness in bliss (the true laughter that is: abandoned – trusting – confident and at the ready to respond to Life in its amazing variations). Laughter shakes the congealed energies of lower lives and pushes them into active participation rather than shivering sheepishly under a blanket of self-pity and misery. Laughter energizes, fills the lungs with the love of God for His Nature. It creates energetic animation and invigorates cells into creativity. Laughter is the vessel that pushes through barriers and carries one into the adventure of discovery. Laughter warms the body, moves the environing circumstances into place of fitness and joy. It cracks open the impeding wall of fear and calls for celebration: the celebration of life, and, in the most difficult circumstances, it calls for the celebration of our steady bearing of the opposite pulls and our willingness to see through adversity. It is a valid endeavour to celebrate and chant the Elegy of Laughter as a vibrant, impulsing and balancing act of indomitable faith at all times in all places. Laughter is the full embodiment of the joy, bliss and purpose of the heart’s ray with full understanding of its demands, implications, and circumstantial adjustments.

The power, wisdom and intelligent, if spontaneous, activity of laughter makes of it the more superficial yet essential externalization of the profundity of the Universal Sound.' ...indeed!...(re-edit) ...https://ia800908.us.archive.org/28/items/EducationInTheNewAgeAliceBaily1954190pgsEDUPSY.sml_201903/Education_In_The_New_Age-Alice_Baily-1954-190pgs-EDU-PSY.sml.pdf ...note that AAB as she is referred to passed on in circa 1949 when the UN is ostensibly in its nascent state...which in retrospect may seem less apparent...it may had been intentioned and envisioned as a nefarious vehicle by dark forces prior to its establishment...btw Bailey wrote the foreward to one of Paul Brunton's book's 'The Secret Path' ... https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.503592 he who had spent time at the renowned Ramana Maharshi's ashram and much more besides...i can associate verses in St. Paul's Romans to effect here, but choose not to...rather the idea revolves around ...'not one seeks God' ...when in the latter two cases they may be among those who are perhaps somewhat excused!?...

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