If humans are hackable animals, we should hack Harrari.

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Hi! Just found your Substack over the weekend & so glad I did! In just the first 2 articles I’ve read - you seem to be the first Truth Teller I’ve found focusing most on the multi-heads of the diabolical snake. Have you reported as well on the Global Digital Currency they are about to force on us - allowing them & Bog Tech to employ full Surveillance on our every move while stealing our money, & controlling access to it based on our behaviors/compliance? My big question that no one has answered is: Are we just doomed to all these horrific plans of the few diabolical global elites, or is there anyone forming any plans to stop them? Seriously, if not - then at the very least - we had better coordinate a massive group, same page effort, to re-elect 45 so he can stand against them. They are all too exposed now - they’ve blatantly broken too many laws - so clearly they have no plans to ever be out of power again! We need to wake up as a massive force - or it’s already over! ANY IDEAS ON HOW WE CAN GET THIS ACROSS TO PEOPLE? Otherwise, it is going to all roll right over us like a massive tidal wave of destruction & suppression AND SOON! ‘24 will be too late!!!!!

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Yes I have. I have shared many interview from Catherine Austin-Fitts and James Corbett. On Wednesday I will share a meeting held here in my home state of TN with 2 of our TN finest (Sen. Frank Niceley and Rep. Bud Hulsey) who explain what TN is trying to do to ward off CBDC in our state and their work to create a compact of states to join us. Bud is easy to hear but Frank has a deep voice and southern drawl so I recommend listening with a headset or good earbuds. The problem is even though TN has a super majority in the House and Senate many are not real Republicans but run as a Republican because it is extremely difficult for a Democrat to win an election in TN. So as Republicans generally do they do not stick together like the Democrats do. Thank you for joining our group. The best advice I have is to share my Substack or any information on my Substack you find important for people to know. Prepare......food, water, ammo, barter items. The power is with the people. All we have to do is REFUSE TO COMPLY no matter the cost or inconvenience. Use cash. Talk to people especially those that are still in a coma. Little bits of information at a time. But understand no matter what you say to some people you will never convince them of the danger so move on. We are in war and in war there are always casualties and those that just cannot see the forest for the trees will be the casualties of this war. Even thought Biden just came out and said our banking system is safe we know he is flat out lying and just this morning he blamed it all on the Trump administration when it is the Biden administration policies that caused these bank failures and there will be many more.

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Maria, I carry around small flyers (9 per 10 cent copy page, or 1.1 cents per flyer) in my right pocket which gives the 95 second read of my executive summary of what is going on in the world. Immediately following the summary are Internet websites (including this one) where they can learn about it all. I am hoping soon to have the PDF of that flyer online so I can encourage others to print it and give them out. I pay cash for all local items. When they hand me the change, I accept it with my left hand and then hand several of my flyers to them which are in my right hand. If we had a million awake patriots passing out flyers as part of their normal living, we would really reach the masses. The Puritans were fighting the King of England over 400 years ago by putting out flyers anonymously.!

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Would love to have a copy. This kind of stuff works. I have done this many times when it came to educating people on UN Agenda 21 and Common Core. We used to get a group together and stand at train stations in the morning and evening, go to mall parking lots, church parking lots and put the flyers on car windows, and walk neighborhoods and leave them at the front door. If you can send a pdf of the flyer to: karen.bracken@reagan.com I will be glad to share it on my daily substack. Thanks so much and God bless you.

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Is PHEIC pronounced FAKE? If so I think we have already cracked it.

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Yes it is and yes we did 😂

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Appreciate all your work bring us the messages...God Bless You !

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Thank you very much.

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