Exactly and they didn't have to take the shots and never lost a day of work. In fact, being a lowly nurse was offered $500 to just take it (refused) and an NP was offered 100K to give it, I can ONLY IMAGINE what the politicians got for repeating, "This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated"!

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Karen, I listened to the presentation several nights ago that Dr. Nass was to present to Senators, Representatives & staff. It includes an overview of entities such as the UN, WHO, and WEF have collaborated & conspired to bring in the “Great Reset”, one govt. How they are attempting to accomplish this is the Plandemic, covid mRNA vaccines, trans, woke, and by other assaults to our culture and strengths. What struck me is how bizarre it is that a Dr. Is presenting this info to our elected leaders to “inform them”. I mean shouldn’t it be that they are informing US, their constituents about what is going on???? Could they really be that UNINFORMED? I recognized 3 years ago the much of BS, so I have trouble believing elected leaders after 3-4 years of all the madness, didn’t know more!!!

Which lead me to ponder, is her presentation just an appeasement along the lines of “controlled opposition” to make it look like something is being done to address these serious crimes against humanity? It’s just so difficult to digest our leaders are that “in the dark” and need to be told WHAT HAS BEEN GOING ON AND WHAT THE GOALS ARE, a global coup d’etat. I mean were they too busy, or too corrupt & paid off to NOT CONNECT THE DOTS?

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I do not believe they are in the dark at all. They are bought and they will do as they are told or they will be removed from office. Election fraud is not just for Presidential races ( another reason why they refuse to acknowledge the fraud) DC is dead to me. The battle we must fight is at the state level while we still have a chance at that level. There are some states that have already gone the way of DC and cannot be saved. In TN I organized a group and we have written and sponsored legislation that will create a process in which to invoke Nullification. Other states need to jump on board with us. The legislation (HB0726) can be found on my website. TN Citizens for State Sovereignty. tncss.substack.com and the website is tncss.weebly.com

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I don’t believe it for a second either. Could Dr. Nass really believe that or has does it speak of “controlled opposition”? Just more theatre to manipulate ppl into thinking something is being done? I am so impressed by your work on nullification. I wish I lived closer (No GA). Do you know of anyone down my way who is doing similar work? Also, Chattanooga to become15 min city? Wow!! They’re putting up huge conglomerates of apt housing near me and don’t know how they will handle the additional traffic which is already horrendous. Hmmm.

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