Where’s the collective outrage about all of this stuff day after day after day??!! It’s hard to believe that the majority are so oblivious to the constant lies and subversion that they cannot comprehend what is happening. The lack of outrage outrages me.

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I am right there with you. This is why I do what I do 7 days per week. Hoping to bring out the outrage in people. Perhaps I am making them numb to it instead. But I do believe the time is coming when they will push the American too far and they will see the sleeping giant come to life.

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I think that's exactly what the world government filth want, to have us actually rebel. I say world government because DC has answered to Geneva for decades. Remember in Tienemin (sp?) Square China when the tank stopped and swerved for the guy standing in front of it? That wont happen here. They would love nothing more than to have that opportunity in Kansas City or Lexington. They will machine gun anyone down and then run over the corpse. Joe would use his F-15's if given the slightest provocation.

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I believe you are correct. That is why we here in TN have organized to get legislation passed that would create a process to Nullify unconstitutional actions taken by the federal government. Also, gold/silver as legal tender and a precious metals depository.

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Please keep it Karen! Your are not making them numb. I was born in Tacoma Washington in 1952 and lived within 15 miles of there for 70 years. I've seen first hand what happens if the commies are given a free hand. They ruin everything they come near. I finally threw in the towel, sold everything and moved to SW Missouri last year. It's like a new start but I am terrified when I see pure unadulterated signs of the woke/socialist mindset taking hold here. The good people here don't know how good we/they got it, so I'm afraid they will miss the signs of it setting in...Keep sounding the alarm!

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Thanks Charles.

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...thanks for the honorable mention Karen!...sorry its negative news!...this'll cheer u up ... https://youtu.be/Yijqy48mmG4?si=9MqNAPZGQz82Q8jB ...jayz!..t'was late one night i came across this, of course didn't hardly sleep afterwards...got my revenge on my 'friends' sending it to them!...😀...warning!...its seriously catchy!...Jerry Levine is lead singer...as a commenter says guitar player at the back puts a smile on drummers face...1:30...its class...and er!...btw i'm more of a Tchaikovsky etc sort myself loike!...i decline responsibility for the supremely positive effect this may have on listeners...thats a crime today i'm sure ...for example there's no knowing what contortion Amy Harlib may involve herself in, for xample!...😅...i know she'll enjoy this and read the comment...i got it at some site satirizing cannabalism! ...

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I sang that song all the time I was pregnant!

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