Noise and vibration from wind turbines: I find the article on the apparent health risks of living close to a wind turbine compelling. However, while driving across TX, we came very close to a wind farm, and stopped to listen. Standing within a few yards of one, it was not as noisy as a small car passing. People live near highways, in noisy cities, they work in jobs such as truck driving, passenger plane crew, machine shops, etc. I don't read of people suffering from those noise sources. Either there is something OTHER than just the noise, or these folks are gold-diggers. I'm not saying people are faking it, but just the noise and vibration don't compel me to side with the argument.

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They do kill thousands of birds and they cause bat lungs to explode because of the change in barometric pressure. I visited CA about 10 years ago and for miles on each side of the highway (where cattle used to graze) there were wind turbines. And not a single one was moving. That means back up energy is a must. They cannot be recycled they must be buried. Which makes them environmentally dangerous. I have to disagree on this one because I have been to a wind turbine farm too and it is that pulsing, whiring sound they make that could drive one crazy. It is not loud but it is not natural. They also freeze in cold weather. Just like all of the things these tree huggers propose; electric cars, wind turbines, solar panels, unmanaged forests all cause more harm to the environment which bottom proves this agenda is not about climate change or saving the environment. In TX when they had the big ice storm and none of the solar systems work should have been an eye opener to people. But "appearing" to be environmentally concerned is more important than actually protecting the environment. None of these alternatives work well enough to replace gas and coal and they know it. It is not about their fake climate change or protecting the environment it is all about throwing the peasants back to the dark ages while "they" live like Kings with the best of everything including gas heat, gas stoves, air conditioning, big homes and steak.

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you cannot find the Ed dowd Tucker from Canada on YouTube just by searching. the control over the Internet bills are going live here.

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I agree 100% with all of K.B.'s observations. However, the health effects claimed by those living near the turbines is another issue. Yes, the turbines are a paragon of liberalism, and massive failures on every point. But, my observation is that humans have been living among noise and vibration for decades with no apparent harm. This leaves but two options: there is something OTHER than noise and vibration causing health issues, or the claims are bogus. I do believe the health issues must be investigated.

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