As always, great work Karen 👍

As I said before:

Between HAARP and DEW, we are screwed 😕

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Look at California and now Mississippi

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Thank you! Sharing your substack with folks!

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You are so very welcome. I appreciate anyone that takes the time to get informed.

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023

Trapped living with a double vaxxed. Mortgage. Have separated 'things' (bed, food, dishes) as much as possible, but since I still breath quite frequently, am probs screwed. Been here 25+ years. They will never leave, they love Portland.

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Dear Ms Karen...I know you see things and believe them to be unfolding in the very same exact way that I do. I am so very grateful to God for bringing you to me, directly or indirectly, and all the other amazing souls who have the courage and the utmost integrity like yours, who keep fighting the fight for our freedoms and our very lives, no matter how bleak the outcome may appear..

There are Americans, and other people in other countries I suppose, fighting as fiercely as we are, and even more, regardless of how this evil is swallowing us whole, as they keeps progressing forward in their satanic KILLING AGENDA like there's no tomorrow, yet we continue to pull our battered and tired spirits up from the floor, even as we see clearly see the obvious and most devastating conclusion we are facing ie; is in fact the annihilation of the human species, which is now on high speed.

Sadly, Americans have been purposely tested through false flag after false flag, and have FAILED EVERY TEST, due to their purposeful willful and "DEADLY IGNORANT COMPLIANCE." The noose they have placed over the necks of American People they themselves have allowed, through their RIDICULOUS Fear, Greed, Self Preservation and Godlessness!

You, Myself, and countless others, are very much tuned in to exactly Who we work for, and We will NEVER detour from the Alpha, Beta and the Omega, or our incredible need to beat these satanic ass licking bastards . The knowledge of that alone , will keep those of us, whom I believe have been Chosen even before our births for such a time as this, fighting until the last breath we take. I am so very proud to have been in communication with you now, for so long. You humble me.

I pray our Heavenly Father gives us the Grace, that our Souls will meet one day on the Flip Side. Until that time comes. I know in my heart of hearts that He is so very proud of us and others like us. Stay the Course my Dear Friend.

I pray His Words to Us when we finally get to meet Him will be: "Welcome Home. Thank you for loving Me enough to Stand Up for Me!"


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Oh Alicia....thank you so much but you were one of the first to open my eyes many years ago. We have known each other for a long time and your bravery has been an inspiration to me and many others. Gratitude to my sister warrior.

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Thanks Ms Karen

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My pleasure my dear friend!!

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Brilliant posting, greatly appreciated.

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Thank you!

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