Fanatastic shares today. Sincerely thank you Karen 🫂.

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You are most welcome and I thank you for taking the time read, share and comment.

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Do you trust a needle now especially when you don't know whats in it?

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Transgenderism is just a grift to keep big pharma afloat with dependent patients. Should be banned.

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...yeah great links Karen...any one i go down ends up becoming a rabbit hole...btw i don't do drugs, don' t smoke, don't drink, and my other dont's are too personal to air in public; i mention the foregoing which i mean to serve as validation of my reliability

by way of a preface to the following statement of fact presented in the form of a question ...the name of the first non-acting Secretary General of the UN?...Trygve Lie!!!....Norwegian chap actually...the only conclusion i can intelligently arrive at based on this is that ur average used car salesman is more trustworthy imho than an organization headed by an individual who is so unfortunate as to be ruthlessly imposed upon by such a suspect prosoponym!

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