NYC and MIgrants: Just saw a report on the Row Hotel in NYC. We stayed there on night and it was a fabulous place. With 28K migrants in the city, the hotels are full up. The Row is paid about $1M/day to house them. The report showed the interior has been thoroughly vandalized and trashed. They have illegal hot plates in their rooms, men beat their women in the hallways, there's urine in carpets and in elevators. Drugs are all through the facility. They throw out about a ton of free food per day because the migrants won't eat it. At $500/day for a room, it seems New Yorkers are getting their money's worth!!

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Pretty soon the entire country will look like the hotels.

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Similar reports are filtering through by word of mouth about hotels in UK suffering the same abuse. It looks like a co-ordinated destruction to me.

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"locusts have no king, yet they advance together in ranks;" Proverbs 30: 27. A liberal does what comes natural. As a dog scoots its butt on your carpet, and a cat vomits at 3:00 am, they do what they do with out thinking. As Reagan said; They are like babies: an alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and absolutely no responsibility at the other end. John Adams said: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

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as evil as the pfizer grunts are, the plandemic and the lethal injection campaign was already in place by the time they got involved. as jared kushner admitted on live tv, the second the EUA went through, largescale manufacturing began https://sagehana.substack.com/p/jared-kushner-the-lancet-had-a-study

astrazeneca shots were being produced in 2018, and the french were already printing signage with vaxxport restrictions in january 2020 - fast forward to 30 secs https://www.bitchute.com/video/OfQHCaSZ1b1F

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Yep. My main reason for posting the RFK interview was for his statements about vaccines in general. People need to start realizing that ZERO vaccines are safe or effective and have always been meant to create life long big pharma customers.

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Why were they so thoroughly prepared? Because they KNEW in advance what they intended to do to all living things with their electro-magnetic radiation - i.e., 5G.

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glad you pulled all your important work on EMF together - i have linked to your page a lot

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Robert Kennedy Jr 's work relating to vaccines is impeccable. However, he is a big proponent of human driven climate change. He is not a fan of gas or oil. Read some of the articles on children's health defense website. He has never shown proof that he in fact was going to aid the government in vaccine safety research. I'm not saying it didn't happen but I remain skeptical of his details. Who would be more on the side of the un agenda 2030? Someone that made us energy independent or someone that actually rallies against gas and oil, and pushes human driven climate change. I will remain open and willing to look at any evidence and data.

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I am very aware of his agenda. He is also against 5G. I do not believe in throwing out the baby with the bath water. He is a staunch advocate against vaccines and 5G and on those issues he has my support but not any of his other advocate activities.

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In respect of the Kirsch & Kennedy video:

This video is a gatekeeper convention.

All these plonkers believe in viruses.

Therefore they are protecting bogus fakery and should be ignored.

Covid 19 was caused by the roll out of 5G.

As soon as THAT FACT becomes common knowledge we can all get on with banning wifi and satellites beaming electromagnetic radiation at the entire planet. We can concentrate on cleaning up technology so that it ceases to threaten every form of life on earth. If we do not do this, we risk an extinction event on a scale never known before.....

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Agree. My main reason for sharing was because of RFK's remarks on vaccines in general. People need to wake up and REFUSE ALL VACCINES.

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I have been campaigning for that for decades. Unfortunately I have been deplatformed from Twitter, Facebook and Discord for doing that, while Big P-Harma has gross access and endless financial resources to ensure that their products get maximum promotion on all those channels as well as lame stream media. Nowadays I see that we are labelled dangerous and a threat to democracy! I am opposed to democracy, tis true. It is demockery in my opinion.

The only form of democracy which ever worked from the grass roots up was bombed into the dark ages by NATO. That was in Libya and is an easy to understand system, if you read Gadaffi's Green Book.

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The US is NOT a Democracy. Our founders hated Democratic government. The US is a Constitutional Republic and every time someone calls the US a democracy they must be corrected. Democracy is mob rule and the little guy gets ignored. Our founders had enough of that kind of tyranny and gave us a Constitutional Republic but as Benjamin Franklin warned WE THE PEOPLE have failed to keep it.

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The point I was making was that there is no such thing as a genuine democracy anywhere on earth. I live in UK. Our media is always claiming that this is a democracy..... is it hell as like!

UK is a small part of a globalist monarchy and if you only knew the full truth, you would realise that the USA is secretly part of that empire too.

This may come as a terrible shock but the Templars and their Bar stitched us all up with legalese centuries ago:


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I get it, totally understand.

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Real America's Voice with Steve Bannon's War Room at 10am EST on Pluto News is an everyday view.

Ukraine gets more Aid than USSA's States, the DC Deep State should just annex Ukraine as the 51st State. Why even bother with NATO membership? The USSA Empire needs MOAR!!! and MOAR are Flooding over the southern border, can't wait until they join the military and get citizenship for their service and then VOTE!!! "Happy Daze are Here Again" democRat 1930's campaign song.


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I watch Bannon everyday and Brannon Howse on Frankspeech Lindell TV. He is on M-F from 2pm-3pm ET and again from 7pm-10 ET. Brannon Howse is, in my opinion, more informative on more topics. The illegals they are bringing into this country will undoubtedly end up in the military but not only for their votes but our military will become a force against the American people and these people have no allegiance to America or Americans. If ordered to shoot us (and they will be) they will gladly obey. These people are also very familiar with communism, socialism, marxism and are programmed to obey. Unlike Americans. So who do you think the globalist want to destroy and who do you think they want to keep around??? There is a reason that most of the deaths from the COVID injection are occurring in the Western parts of the world. You do not hear of mass deaths from the COVID injections in many of the 3rd world countries. When the wealthy/middle class nations find out their government have totally robbed the coffers blind they will be the most likely to rebel. What do the poor have to worry about if economy implodes? They are already poor.

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Thank you for introducing us to Sasha Latypova. Her substack is incredible. Recently read the timeline of criminal legislation that has brought us to this point. The one revelation that is being reinforced for me, Republican vs. Democrat is theatre for the gen population. What we have are evil people and they span all parties, race, religion, and nationality.

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You are so welcome but the wolves are moving in to try to destroy her and kill her message.

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Jan 13, 2023Liked by Karen Bracken

Dear Lord give us the courage to reverse the evil that has persisted for so long. I bet people have been trying to do this for hundreds of years but it has not been recorded in the history books because like the media, they are published by the same cabal.

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