RIOTS IN FRANCE: The only way to deal with that problem is with overwhelming force. France has a long history of submitting. Research the major leaders of European nations and you'll find none of them have children, and many aren't even married. Why would they fight for their countries if they have no stake in them? Once they get their payolla for handing the Invaders the keys to the big house, they'll be off to some pleasant, peaceful resort to spend the rest of their lives. Do you know why the US Constitution was written the way it was? The framers wanted to live HERE! They wanted to raise their families HERE. They made a way for the citizens to preserve what they started.

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I agree. It is obvious to me and has been for many years that no elected "leaders" care dittly about the people or their country. JFK famously said "ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country." The elected (and I do mean all of them at every level of government) believe just the opposite of those famous words. I wonder everyday what it will take for people to finally understand this fact. Perhaps too many today feel the same way as their "leaders?"

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Would just like to say that I appreciate your time and your links. They are always worth perusing, you have good discernment and often I see things I hadn't seen otherwise.

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Thank you and I appreciate you taking the time to read the information and your comments.

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Karen, your comments are spot on! Politics truly attract the corruptible, and they live by the idea that 'nice guys finish last.' I used to teach "Executive MBA" courses to "V" level execs in the Fortune 100. I'd ask this question of every class: "What are the 3 ways a publicly traded company can obtain cash?" The number 1 response in every major US city, and about a dozen European cities was; "Steal it." How can seasoned top execs with MBAs think so consistently across the US and Europe? Where does that come from? I think if we answer this, we'll understand what else is going on!

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It comes from Satan. Good loving (fearing) men and women would never say "steal it."

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Thank you.

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Always informative, always courageous Karen,

Thank you fine person-Human Being

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Aaaah gee....I am blushing. Thanks so much. The credit goes to those that care enough to get informed. THANK YOU!!!

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...someone else here (oirland!) thinks its coming to us...it'll spread through the core of mainland urope...london/britain...see on bitchute amazing film Europa The Last Battle...its hugely informative and most of it is apparently credible ...10 parts/13 hrs... (edit: https://www.bitchute.com/video/QtLvxZ9d0yEY/ )some parts are disturbingly heartbreaking...only for hardcore ..i'm not being flippant...the imagery is horrifying...i mean this is out of this world evil...'cept its got here...and i just saw this...i love Santa Monica...now this ..https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/cities-in-california-rolling-out-aerial-drone-police-crafts-capable-of-opening-doors-smashing-through-glass-tracking-vehicles-dystopia/ ...

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