ht tps:// eb4.app/a 28048ed reassemble this link to Gateway Pundit story about what is happening on the ground due to the effect of 2000 Mules just seen by an active law enforcement in AZ. Operation much larger that being reported as usual. One investigation halted after the movie to assemble new found evidence.

The Freedom Caucus said they are working on legislation to stop this WHO business and many in congress and the senate are aware of the danger. I have said for years we need to divest our participation in the UN and reduce our financial footprint in NATO. Both of these organization's are corrupt and doing exactly what our government is doing, Getting out of control of the voters through election fraud, ignoring our pleas and bills, and ignoring the constitution and our own federal legislation. This is a problem statewide as well.

As far as the Freedom Caucus goes, these cats are the people that gave us Paul Ryan above a hell of a lot of opposition. So I would encourage them but watch them like a hawk!

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You know how I feel about the UN and all of its affiliate agencies. It is easy for the Rs to write bills and show outrage when they have no power. It is what they FAIL to do when they have the power and they never fail to disappoint us. This all reminds me of Obamacare when they begged us to put them in power so they could get rid of Obamacare and to this day they have never made it happen and there was nothing stopping them in the first part of Trump's administration. And we both know the biggest fight against impeaching Obama was from the Republicans. So I don't put any stock in anything they say when they know they cannot make any of it happen. Let's see what they do when and if they ever gain power. Which of course I do not believe they ever will. There will be no elections in November and if there is it will be 100% mail in ballots. The left is in control globally and they are not going to give it up no matter what it takes or how many people they murder in the process.

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