Re: CDC admits giving false information. This may drive some people to support the push for global health monitoring by WHO. I don't believe not one news item that comes out of CDC and company.

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A world government has no use for borders. To achieve it there must be no sense c if nationally. All their actions seen in this light confirm the "conspiracy"

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Your mother's friend who is 105 knows the secret....keep the weight in line and keep out of doctor;s offices.

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Karen It is not in the agenda of Big Pharma or the AMA to see cancer cured. Many have had to find their own answers. In 1976 i was diagnosed with a rapidly growing tumor in the vaginal area. Two doctors told me they would not give me a guarantee (to live), if I did not have it removed ASAP. i had been warned by others to ignore fear tactics. I told the second doctor who was pressing me to set up surgery...I am going to go home and pray. He said, "Don't pray too long!" Well prayer worked! A book came into my hands within a day or so. I followed the information in this book and the tumor disappeared in 2-1/2 months. i went back to the second doctor...just to show him it was gone. He was not one bit interested in what I did to get rid of it. He lost an operation. This showed me exactly where he was coming from. FYI: I got rid of the tumor by simply eliminating the CAUSE. The tumor took off after I went for a cosultation with a well known PhD author who had written several nurition books. He advised me to eat a lot of dairy, because i was going to be nursing my baby very shortly. Well, the book I received said how important raw fruit and raw vegetables were. I totally eliminated the dairy and only ate raw fruit and vegetables. The tumor disappeared with 2-1/2 months. Twelve years late, I found a weird tumor with spikes coming out of it on my chest above my breast. My children panicked, when they saw it, but I did not bother going to a doctor. I examined what I was eating. I found out I was using too much honey in my herb teas. i stopped the honey (high carbs), and in the same time period as before, the tumor shrunk and disappeared. I learned, IF YOU DON'T FEED A TUMOR...IT WON'T GROW. I have been sharing this information with hundreds of people , since 1988.

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Thank you for sharing that wonderful story. I have followed Dr. Robert Young’s Alkaline diet for over 15 years now. So far at 73 I am in perfect health and people are shocked when I tell them my age. So I totally agree you are what you eat. The premise of the Alkaline diet is to keep you internal PH level over 7.0. Cancer thrives in an acidic environment and cannot survive in an alkaline environment. My aunt on my fathers side died at 48 from lung cancer, my father died of lung cancer at 70 and my brother died of lung cancer at 68. So those odds were too much for me and today I have by-passed them all. My mother died at 80 but she did not ever have cancer. But I take a lot from my father’s side so I wasn’t taking any chances. And DAIRY is a huge no no on an akaline diet. Ray milk, butter and cheese is ok but I just stay away from dairy all together.

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Karen: at 88, I feel no different than I felt 40 years ago. In fact, I am healthier today than I was in my twenties...and my brain works better. One has to do one's own health research in order to be healthy. If everybody did this, we could put Medicare out of business! Everything Medicare is doing only creates more health problems. Doctors, drugs and treatments are not the answer. When I was 27 years old, I made a decision to never wind up in a hospital being fed through a tube... so I got into studying nurition. It was trial and error for years as there was so much misinformation. Poor nutrition is the #1 CAUSE of disease and the majority of med schools don't offer one course in nutrition. However, where could doctors go to study nutrition? Medical schools aren't into nutrition research. Who does simple nutrition research in America? What I found out, the food industry does nutrition research. Iam sure it was not unbiased. it supports nutrition schools and provides them with its research to teach. The industry sets our nutrient standards. In return, RDs promote food industry's products. Sad to say, America spends more money on medical care than any other country with the worst results. American health has declined for decades by depending on the Medical Industry. It is all about the Benjamins.

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Absolutely. My friend's mother is 105 and active both mentally and physical. She takes no medications. Her secret...watch your weight and stay away from doctors

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I heard Jovan Pulitzer say in an interview a few months ago that in their election fraud investigations they stumbled upon financial accounts associated with social security numbers. Illegals were being given identical social security numbers so withholdings from many people went to the same account. Jovan said these were slush funds and one had a trillion bucks in it!

I have no idea if this story is true but it would certainly be a good reason why these criminals in Congress would want illegal immigration to continue.

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NOTHING surprises me anymore. Thanks.

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Great roundup today, Karen!

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Thanks Gayla. I appreciate your support. These are trying times and we all need to stick it out together. Even if we are small in numbers we need to keep speaking out and fighting back.

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I sent today's TBs to everyone. Some won't appreciate them, because they refuse to believe that the agenda is real. But I've managed to get a few to have a little more open mindedness, solely because I never shut up over the last 2 1/2 years, and a lot of what we've all been saying has proven to be fact now. Those people will read these TBs and have more of an awakening. I appreciate that you put the effort in and find the info and place it in one convenient location.

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Gayla.....my goal is not to change minds (I learned that was a losing battle long ago) What we are doing is planting seeds. One day your friends will see something, experience something, hear something and it will click ONLY because YOU told them previously. But think, if we didn’t speak the words the blind would never see. I have experienced this several times. I speak, people think I am a lunatic, then I get the phone call or the email that thanks me for opening their eyes and it was usually because of something they heard or saw and it all clicked for them. They say “if you had not told me about this I would never have recognized what was happening.” So keep spreading the truth and don’t worry about whether they agree or believe right now. THANK YOU very much.

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I suppose they made the immigrants get the jabs to get on the bus, or join the military. Regardless of what I think of the border, it is sad to think how many will be damaged from the jabs forced in this context. Our militaries have be badly damaged from this already. The jabbed will likely have a shortened and sickened life here in America.

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None of them have been forced to get the jab and my bet is they won’t be forced to get the jab if they join the military either. But they are here illegally and just look at these people. Fat, well dressed and young males mostly. They are here for the free US taxpayer ride and our government is letting them flood in to destroy our country and end up making the North American Union a legal deal.

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Is fat shaming really necessary here?

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Oh for heavens sake. I was making a point that it is obvious they have never missed a meal. It was not fat shaming. They are all very healthy looking and many of them ARE over weight. That is not shaming it is fact.

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Oh good grief! The point is that these are not people coming to escape hunger and oppression. Why is there always one bleeding heart that wants to find some silly reason to take offense to every little thing? It is those with thin skin that don't stand up and fight, because they might get their feeling hurt. Maybe we should get back to teaching all of the kids the old saying, "Sticks and stones....."

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Unless you actually speak with a person, you cannot claim to know what they have experienced. Your generalizations are not humane.

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And again, you are looking to be "hurt". I'm not svelte. In fact, I could be called plump, chubby, and yes, even fat right now. But it will be a cold day in hell before I take offense to being called any of those things. If being called "fat" bothers me, I'll lose weight. No one controls my attitude but me, and no one controls yours, but you. If you don't like the shoes you are in, change shoes. But don't expect someone else to adapt their taste if they think your shoes clash with your outfit.

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If you take some time and study the biology of obesity, you may find out that much of it has to do with the quality of nutrition pregnant mothers receive; childhood nutrition has lasting effects on our biology; some people remain overweight no matter what they do or don't eat because their bodies were trained to store fat on fewer calories, usually due to malnutrition in amount or content of food. That is why I find fat shaming quite an ignorant thing to do.

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Wildlands project must admit is giving me daytime nightmares. EOs at will. Where are the checks and balances? These AH are enemies of this glorious country and our constitution.

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