Thank you for posting the image "How To Prevent the Next Pandemic". This would make a great poster! It should be put up in every classroom, every college dorm, every corporate office and workplace, and every community bulletin board across America and beyond. A picture is worth 10,000 words.

Your paragraph about the dangers of vaccines linked to autism is the most succinct, most cogent argument I've ever read. People really need to wake up to the grave harms caused by the medically worthless Covid genetic "vaccines" as well as all the other shots.

I'm currently reading the book The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire by Jeff Berwick, and this long quote exposing the whole vaccine racket seems especially relevant:

"It is not totally accurate to say that vaccines do not provide immunity, because they do provide immunity---to the pharmaceutical companies that produce them thanks to a deal they pushed through Congress back in 1986 that granted those companies immunity from lawsuits filed by patients that were injured or killed by their products.

Even the most basic of research into the adjuvants being used in these vaccines turn up major questions about why aluminum is so prevalent, especially considering how dangerous it is. There are actually several different types of aluminum adjuvants that can be found in vaccines like amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, aluminum phosphate, aluminum hydroxide, potassium aluminum sulfate, and “aluminum salts”....The cumulative effects of aluminum injected into a child happens to be one of the neurotoxic factors many proponents of childhood vaccines either are not aware of, or intentionally ignore, and it is a big one. According to the vaccine schedule, by a year and a half, a child should have had 4,925 micrograms of aluminum injected into their bodies, bypassing the natural defense shields like the skin and the gut, and exposing the child to massive amounts of aluminum all at once.

If a baby ingested the same amount of aluminum orally, the digestive process would break it down over the course of hours as it works its way through the system. If a child is unable to rid itself of this aluminum and it actually enters the bloodstream in large amounts, the results are potentially devastating, and not just in the short-term. The effects of a massive amount of different ingredients that are injected into a baby create walking science projects where the effects of these ingredients might not show up for many years, and when they do, it is hard to isolate one particular cause because of the delayed or cumulative effect that they have.

If the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is ever repealed, the victims of vaccine damage will try to sue vaccine manufacturers, the CDC, and probably members of the ACIP committee who recommend the vaccines. However, the CDC has already thought this out and they have created a system that makes pinning vaccine damage on a particular vaccine rather difficult. As an example, if a child receives ten vaccines over a two year period and develops autism, from a legal standpoint it is difficult to pin the blame on any one of these vaccines without creating reasonable doubt that it could have been one of the other nine vaccines that were responsible. So in a sense, the schedule itself provides legal cover because there is never a time where only one shot is given without other shots being required within a close time frame that works to muddy the waters of culpability.

This is not by accident, it is intentional. If the legal protection that the government is providing these vaccine makers ever goes away, this clustering of shots into groups acts as a way of creating reasonable doubt in the minds of those tasked with dishing out potential punishment."

"30 Billion Reasons to Keep This Train Moving

People cannot forget that this is also a business, so the ownership stake in these vaccines is very relevant for trying to understand the reason that the system is as broken as it is. With $30 billion in yearly profits, there is more than enough of an incentive to continue to expand the schedule to include more shots, not just for children, but also a huge push is being made on the elderly as well.

The CDC and some of their members own more than 50 patents connected to vaccinations, so they have a major financial stake in making sure that things do not change. It makes a person stop and wonder about how an organization that sets the schedule for vaccines can also financially benefit by making one of their vaccines a part of the schedule, thus ensuring the purchase of their product throughout the country. This is the very definition of a conflict of interest because they profit every time one of their new vaccines is brought to market and forced onto the American people under penalty of not being allowed to attend school, in the case of California currently, and throughout the nation, eventually.

The direction that vaccinations are headed is also exposed through their patents. In addition to the ownership stake they hold on the vaccines, the CDC also owns multiple patents for the method of administering shots through aerosol delivery or basically spraying vaccines on the population through airplanes.

People think they hate chemtrails now, just wait until they are loaded up with vaccines and randomly rained down upon unsuspecting people in order to achieve the magical and totally fictional concept of “herd immunity”.

Doctors are also compensated by Big Pharma and medical insurance companies based on their ability to maintain high levels of vaccination rates. In some cases, doctors that maintain 63% vaccination rates are rewarded with $400 for each patient, which for a standard pediatrician practice with 250 patients puts $100,000 per year into the doctor’s pocket.53 This is an incentive to push vaccines to everyone, both young and old, and to suppress evidence that conflicts with the narrative set by the CDC, the pharmaceutical companies, and the doctors themselves.

People better get their flu shots because their doctor wants a new Range Rover."

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Thank you very much for an enlightening comment. I hope those still in a vaccine trance take the warning. I don't even vaccinated my dog I would surely never vaccinate myself or my children. I research before I listen to any elected official or doctor.

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Karen, you should submit your article to America Mission!

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I looked at the site and they don't really tell you how to share an article with them. I will do more research but it appears as if there is a cost to publish with them. When you sign up it says you have a free 7 day subscription. I don't charge for my work and I don't pay for others work either.

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I thought it was just submitting an article via email, editorialboard@americamission.com ?

Didn’t get the impression it costs you to submit one, but that they give you a free 3 month subscription if published.

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Thank you. I will certainly try that.

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