18 hrs agoLiked by Karen Bracken

Correct. She IS NOT a natural born citizen

But she IS a natural born moron, slut skank.

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CONSTITUTION: Many thanks for the primer on the constitutional qualifiers for the President of the USA. As I read them, something emerged as a consistent theme throughout our founding document: Of the People, For the People and By the People.

In a court of law, the accused is to be judged by a "jury of his peers."

In Congress, we are represented by those who live in our particular areas and are familiar with their constituents.

Each state has two Senators who are elected by those they represent.

The "People" cast their votes on every major issue.

Each Congressman/woman and Senator must qualify on several levels as a citizen of the USA.

For our federal officials to violate the constitutional requirements of ANY official qualifies them as TRAITORS. And, we have laws for that!

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We are no longer a nation of laws. Result? Don't hold your breath waiting for any law on the books to be implemented. Ask Merrick Garland about this and you'll get no answers.

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What silly piece of nonsense! Kamala was approved on her first try at the presidency four years ago, friends!

Try something better than time. And you lot want to talk about the Constitution? Really?

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Been down this path before with Barry Soetoro (Barack Obama) with his getting away with not being eligible to be President. A solid read on him would be "Where's the Birth Certificate?" by Jerome R. Corsi Ph.D. That book should have be at the top of the Best Sellers list but, as usual, censorship and coverup campaigns by the "powers that shouldn't be" squashed that possibility!!! We live in a lawless land, in case you haven't noticed.

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the problem with Obama is they went after the wrong thing. Anyone that reads what I just posted can see the real reason to go after Obama was the fact that his father was not an American citizen. I worked for 2 years with the North American Law Center to get him impeached on those grounds (where you are born has no bearing on whether you are a NBC)We worked hand in hand with US legislators but traitor Paul Ryan stood in our way at every turn.

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See what I mean? Obama was groomed from his childhood and protected by the CIA and many other handlers to PLAY that role as "Commander in Chief" and hoodwinked the whole world, which goes on to this very day!!! There was a whole battery of lawyers trying to do what you said Karen armed with real proof but the court system would not give them an audience.....how's THAT for justice?

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*want to

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???? What is this supposed to mean? Thanks

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The "wants" in the title should be plural. Also in the title, it looks like fact should be facts.

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Thanks for the lesson but I find it odd that the only comment you have about such important information are regarding some typos.

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Such a waste of energy this is.

If this is an oversight, happening for a SECOND time...

SERIOUS shenanigans...

Similar to the toothlessness of both sides on constant display for all to witness in congress...

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