ITALY STOPS.... : Did you ever pause to notice - when a government does something that is plain common sense, we REJOICE!! ? Is that how rare simple, plain thinking has become amongst the human race? Haven't we been electing them all our lives because they espouse common sense on the campaign trail? Yet, when they get elected, they sink to the lowest denominator, go along to get along, and endorse everything BUT common sense!

Then, on the rare occasion, when a government does something sensible, we CHEER!! YAY!! Just WHO has lost their grip on common sense - politicians, or voters??

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True. We rejoice at things that should just be normal operating procedures. And when they stomp on our freedoms no one has the guts to stand up and fight back. I am the founder of TN Citizens for State Sovereignty. We have a resolution we are taking to County Commission meetings in support of the legislation we have (sponsored) to create a process in which to invoke Nullification. One such County Commission actually had the nerve to refuse to support the legislation because.......wait for it........Nullification could interfere with federal funding. First, it was a totally uninformed comment. They have no clue about federal funding but they always through it out there in order to insure we do not have our rightful freedom and liberty. Nullification would have very little effect on funding and when it does we are better off without the money. Is our liberty and freedom for sale?? Yes it is and it has been for many, many decades. Time to reverse that mindset. TN is currently debating our removal from the US Dept. of Ed and as usual the arguments boil down to money. They don't care if our kids are being educated (we have a 33% 3rd grade reading proficiency) as long as the money keeps flowing.

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...its probably we the people who fail to exercise commom sense, through the campaign trail!...the fact there's such trail under today's oligarch owned politics indicates that we're on the wrong track

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God Bless you, Karen, for fighting for good things!!

From my youth, I always noticed how, ANYTIME there is a proposal for 'improvement,' the liberals immediately scream for more money. Remember Bush's No Child Left Behind?

All they wanted was to re-set the standards of achievement. The libs cried that it would cause poor schools to close down and teachers to lose income.

HUH?? Doing your job well costs more money?? Yet, people vote for liberals.

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